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  • Publication
    Careers in Academia and Industry: Transitions and Challenges
    (2019-09-21) Shewale, Swapnil; Winston, Flaura
    For latest version: please go to Start the career planning process with self-discovery and feedback from mentors. Understand the setting, culture, organizational structure, and leadership of the organizations under consideration for one’s career. Understand the expectations of potential career paths. For personal development beyond hard knowledge and skills, acquire excellent people skills and a strong network. Careers are dynamic. Maintain flexibility. Moving between environments (academia vs. industry) can be challenging, but those who successfully navigate this do so with extensive planning.
  • Publication
    Intrapreneurship: Strategic Approaches for Managing Disruptive Innovation in Clinical and Research Projects
    (2019-10-07) Ackermann, Amanda; Winston, Flaura
    For latest version: please go to Academic research and intrapreneurship share many similarities with entrepreneurship but take place within a larger organization. Academic innovation depends on creative problem-solving, risk-taking, and resiliency. Personal and financial resiliency are important attributes of a successful academic entrepreneur and can be cultivated through strategic planning. An organization’s culture of support for innovation, tolerance for failure, and financial resiliency all contribute to promoting the success of academic entrepreneurs.
  • Publication
    Resources at Academic Entrepreneurship Centers
    (2019-09-23) Kumar, Anupam; Gooneratne, Nalaka
    For latest version: please go to Universities harbor numerous resources for academic entrepreneurs. Academic entrepreneurship centers differ: the more comprehensive ones provide an array of services that support innovations at all stages of development. Universities often have educational programs to teach faculty about entrepreneurship; usually offered in business schools, they are increasingly being offered in engineering and medical programs. Entrepreneurship education increasingly involves experiential learning. Other entrepreneurial support at academic institutions includes: incubators, accelerators, mentoring, business plan competitions, and other programs that support the creation and maturation of startups. University seed funds can help early-stage startups breach the funding gap and attract new investors. Technology transfer offices (TTOs) focus on intellectual property (IP) protection for innovations stemming from university research, and increasingly provide other services and linkages that support the commercialization of innovations.
  • Publication
    Clinical and Translational Science Awards
    (2019-10-08) Coons, Barbara; Gooneratne, Nalaka
    For latest version: please go to Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) are large federal grants provided to an academic institution that support education and infrastructure relevant to translational science. CTSA site services, training, and pilot grant funding can benefit researchers at any stage of their career, from trainees to faculty. While all CTSA-funded programs offer support for research and training, the focus and services offered vary by institution.
  • Publication
    The Promotion Process: Academic Entrepreneurship Career Tracks
    (2019-09-18) Marquez, Alexandra M; Winston, Flaura
    For latest version: please go to In order to advance their career, junior faculty members with an interest in academic entrepreneurship must maintain a dual focus: entrepreneurial success and academic productivity. A key first step is to choose the appropriate academic track that values and/or allows time for entrepreneurial activities. Then, as with all faculty members, you need to remain aware of the criteria for promotion and maintain and regularly review your dossier to ensure that you are making academic progress. Entrepreneurial activities can be integrated into the academic promotion process but are not traditionally valued. Seek guidance on how best to frame them as part of your dossier. A proactive approach that considers a five-to-seven-year timeline can mitigate stress and help you reach your career goals.