Overview Report: Measuring Media Development

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Roy, Sanjukta

An Interactive Timeline of Media Development Sankalpa Dashrath Research is a primary component of the Media Map project, and several papers will be published and distributed publicly as part of the effort through 2011 and 2012. They include: OVERVIEW PAPERS Rethinking Media Development: A Report on The Media Map Project, Mark Nelson with Tara Susman-Peña This final report is intended as the beginning of a process of using Media Map research as a platform for action. Your feedback welcome. On Media Development: An Unorthodox Review (forthcoming) Daniel Kaufmann; Presentation to the Center for International Media Assistance based on this research available here. Healthy Media, Vibrant Societies: How Strengthening the Media Can Boost Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Tara Susman-Peña A synthesis report examining the policy implications of the relationships between media and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Media Development and Political Stability: An Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa, Sanjukta Roy An econometric study of the relationships between press freedom and access to information, and political stability in Sub-Saharan Africa. COUNTRY CASE STUDIES Edited by Mary Myers, Examining the impact of donor support to the media sector over the last two decades, to be released periodically throughout 2012. – Cambodia, Margarette Roberts – Democratic Republic of the Congo, Marie-Soleil Frère – Indonesia, Manfred Oepen – Kenya, Iginio Gagliardone and Katherine Reed Allen – Mali, Heather Gilberds – Peru, Gabriela Martínez, with Network Analysis, Erich Sommerfeldt; Participatory Photographic Mapping (PPM), and PPM Annex, Luisa Ryan and Gabriela Martínez – Ukraine, Katerina Tsetsura, with Network Analysis Erich Sommerfeldt, Katerina Tsetsura, and Anna Klyueva Design for Quantifying Donor Impact on the Media Sector Sanjukta Roy and Tara Susman-Peña MONITORING & EVALUATION AND MEDIA DEVELOPMENT Mapping Donor Decision Making on Media Development: An Overview of Current Monitoring and Evaluation Practice Jason Alcorn, Amy Chen, Emma Gardner, and Hiro Matsumoto, A Capstone Masters’ thesis report at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Anya Schiffrin, Faculty Advisor LITERATURE REVIEWS & BACKGROUND MATERIALS Review of Literature Amelia Arsenault and Shawn Powers A review of the literature that explores the intellectual history of media development Overview Report: Measuring Media Development Sanjukta Roy Explains the quantitative data available that measures media, and how it is incorporated in the Media Map Project Review of Literature on Quantitative Data (matrix) Sanjukta Roy

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