The Next Government of the United States: Why Our Institutions Fail Us and How to Fix Them

Penn collection
Muriel Pfaelzer Bodek Public Affairs Lecture Series
Degree type
Political Science
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Kettl, Donald F

Public policy expert Donald F. Kettl lectures from his recently published book on how the process of governance has fallen out of sync with the problems the government is trying to solve. Pick almost any recent domestic concern -- waging a war, providing health-care coverage for an aging population or relief after a devastating hurricane -- and the standard response is to outsource most of the core tasks to thousands of independent contractors. Without anyone in charge, who can formulate innovative solutions to the increasingly complex problems the government faces? Kettl examines these questions, and offers some answers. Donald F. Kettl is Robert A. Fox Leadership Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is on the faculty of the Department of Political Science. He is also a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. He has regularly appeared on national television and contributed to op-ed pages in major newspapers, and is the author or editor of twenty books. Introduction: Martha Brogan, Direction of Collections (00:01-03:30; Lecture: Donald F. Kettl (03:35-48:00); Questions and answers (48:00-59:29).

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Muriel Pfaelzer Bodek Public Affairs Lecture Series
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A lecture presented on November 1, 2008, in the Rosenwald Gallery, 6th floor, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library, University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the Muriel Pfaelzer Bodek Fund for Library Public Events.
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