A Behavioral Approach to Relationship Building: Optimizing Mystery Shopping Communication

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Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences Capstones
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Social and Behavioral Sciences
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Cheng, Anli

Today email plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining business relationships, both within a company and with external contacts.This paper attempts to propose communication strategies leveraging behavioral sciences bases on a case study of a company that serves as an intermediary between companies and mystery shoppers.The proposed strategy aims to generate more mystery shopping task completions and new shoppers’ signups through improved communication (primarily through emails) between the intermediary company and mystery shoppers. The improvement of communication is executed through a redesign of the company’s current email communication which can be tested through potential experiments. Prior to this, survey design is proposed to better inform the redesign of the company’s current email communication and general advice given to the company to achieve its paramount goal i.e. more mystery shopping task completions and new shoppers’ signups.

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The final capstone research project for the Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences is an independent study experience. The paper is expected to: Present a position that is unique, original and directly applies to the student's experience; Use primary sources or apply to a primary organization/agency; Conform to the style and format of excellent academic writing; Analyze empirical research data that is collected by the student or that has already been collected; and Allow the student to demonstrate the competencies gained in the master’s program.
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