X-Ray Diffraction Techniques

Videos 4.1-4.4 present some important special cases of X-ray scattering: protein crystallography, powder diffraction, and diffraction from smectic or polymer lamellar or columnar phases. These videos are independently accessible without viewing those in previous sections.



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  • Publication
    4.4 - Hexagonal Columnar Arrays
    (2016-08-02) Heiney, Paul A.
    Scattering from columnar liquid crystals and hexagonal copolymers. Hexagonal lattice and reciprocal lattice. Dendritic liquid crystals. Example of electron density reconstruction using Bessel functions. Time 5:24.
  • Publication
    4.3 - Smectic Liquid Crystals and Lamellar Polymers
    (2016-08-02) Heiney, Paul A.
    General features of layered soft materials such as smectic liquid crystals and lamellar polymers. Identification of lamellar phases. What you can learn from peak intensities. Time 4:53.
  • Publication
    4.2 - Powder Diffraction
    (2016-07-27) Heiney, Paul A.
    Challenges and advantages of measuring samples that consist of many microscopic domains. Steps in a powder diffraction measurement. Example of a classic measurement in alkali-doped C60. Time 7:20.
  • Publication
    4.1 - Protein Crystallography
    (2016-07-27) Heiney, Paul A.
    Review of crystallography. Role of crystallography in modern biology. Outline of steps and process in protein crystallography as an important special case of single-crystal crystallography. Time 7:03.