(2007-05-16) Fischer, John E; Gogotsi, Yury; Yildirim, Taner
Relevance: Improvements in gravimetric and volumetric capacity were realized by processes which increase pore volume, heat of adsorption and powder density. Volumetric capacity was more than doubled by rolling peels with PTFE binder and pellet pressing. Even larger gains may be achieved with bulk precursors. Approach: A suite of post-processing strategies were developed and optimized for specific precursors. Technical Accomplishments and Progress: Excess H2 adsorption over 4.3 wt.% and 0.034 kg/L was demonstrated in as-produced CDC having a moderate SSA and pore volume @ (77K, 55 atm). Max heat of H2 adsorption up to 11 kJ/mol (with average values ~ 8 kJ/mol) demonstrated. Proposed Future Research: Further science-based modification of CDC porosity, microstructure and chemistry for improved H2uptake.
(2007-03-09) Milliken, JoAnn; Yuzugullu, Elvin; Stanford, Joseph
This talk will address hybrid vehicles and battery technology, ethanol as a fuel, and hydrogen fuel cells, the ability of these technologies to reduce oil dependence and the challenges for each approach, and the progress made. Stationary power generation, solar buildings, and portable power fuel cells will also be discussed. The presentation will be at a programmatic level and will touch on the applied research and technology development opportunities under the Advanced Energy Initiative.
The expected doubling of global energy demand by 2050 and its impact on supply, security, environment and climate challenge our traditional patterns of energy production, distribution and use. New routes are needed for the efficient conversion of energy from chemical fuel, sunlight, and heat to electricity or hydrogen as an energy carrier and finally to end uses like transportation, lighting, communication and information processing. Opportunities for efficient new energy conversion routes based on nanoscale materials will be presented, with emphasis on the sustainable energy technologies they enable.
The need for energy affects almost every aspect of modern society. Indeed, the advent of coal as a widely-used energy source is sometimes viewed as the spark that started the Industrial Revolution. However, we are about to enter a new era due to increased competition from developing nations for the world's dwindling energy supplies and to the growing recognition that our current energy usage is unsustainable and is affecting the world's climate. It is apparent that research on energy-related issues will become increasingly important in the coming years.
(2007-03-09) Zhou, Wei; Simmons, Jason; Fischer, John E; Yildirim, Taner
• H2-Storage Materials: Current Impasse • Promising Hybrid Materials • Direct Adsorption Measurements • Neutron Scattering Capabilities • First Principles Calculations • Use a combination of experimental and theoretical studies to understand the detailed guest-host interactions in novel storage materials • Armed with this, develop advanced guest-host materials that can meet the DOE hydrogen storage challenge
(2007-03-09) Xu, Yongan; Yang, Shu; Moon, Jun Hyuk; Johnson, Alan T; Dan, Yaping; Perry, Joseph W; Adibi, Ali; Hotchkiss, Peter; Marder, Seth
• Complete photonic bandgap • High contrast of refractive index (RI) • Polymer material with a low RI • Inorganic material with a higher RI, such as silicon, titania. • Fabrication of diamond-like PCs by MBIL, • Fabrication of high RI inorganic PCs via double templating, • Core-shell morphology of replica • Pinch-off problem • Development of combined level-surface to address pinch-off problem • Electrodeposition of titania 3D structure • Electrophoretic deposition of surface charged nanoparticles
(2007-03-09) Shao, Rui; Li, D.; Kraya, Ramsay A; Bonnell, Dawn A
Internal interfaces in materials play an important role in the performance of many devices used in energy applications including solar cells, LEDs, passive electronics, and fuel cells. Efficiencies in energy and power consumption may be realized by optimizing and often miniaturizing these devices. Our studies show that internal boundaries and biomaterial interfaces cause local property variations. These effects will dominate device performance as the systems become smaller. A fundamental understanding of the effect of atomic structure on local properties is a prerequisite to device optimization. Developing this understanding requires new probes that access local properties, controlled interface structure, atomic resolution electron microscopy and first principles calculations of geometric and electronic structure.
Carbide-derived carbons (CDCs) with specific surface area (SSA) ~ 2000 m2/g and open pore volume up to 80% are produced by chlorine etching of metal carbides. Tuning the pore size distribution by carbide precursor selection and etching temperature yields enhanced hydrogen storage capacity at both ambient and elevated pressure. Our goal is to establish the fundamental relation between capacity and SSA, pore size and pore volume.