ECData Works

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  • Publication
    Building Capacity to Implement an ECIDS: Leadership Staffing
    (2023-05-15) Coffey, Missy; Sirinides, Philip M; Dabbs, Ellory R; Havrilla, Aliana M
    Over the last decade, significant investments of federal, state, and philanthropic funds have helped some states develop Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS). State leaders continue to ask questions about the capacity needed to implement an ECIDS and sustain it over the long term. To address these concerns, ECDataWorks conducted a national study of state capacity to implement an ECIDS. This series of briefs is designed for state leaders to make informed resource decisions necessary to build the capacity to implement and sustain an ECIDS. Staffing ECIDS leadership roles (ECIDS Lead, IT Lead, and Research or Analytics Lead) are critical to successful implementation of an ECIDS, yet states struggle to secure people in these positions with relevant expertise. A second challenge states face is retaining leaders long enough to see through the ECIDS implementation. Data from this study provide relevant information for state leaders about the staffing model considerations to account for when securing resources to implement an ECIDS, that avoids staffing and funding scenarios that may lead to staff turnover or an incomplete ECIDS.
  • Publication
    ECDataWorks Programmatic Use Case for the Development of an Analytic Tool
    (2022-01-01) Morrison, Howard; Coffey, Missy; Sirinides, Philip
    This brief provides an overview of programmatic use cases for state early childhood data, the benefits for state leaders and community stakeholders, and a sample template.
  • Publication
    Early Childhood Integrated Data Analytic Self-Assessment Rubric
    (2021-10-01) Coffey, Missy; Sirinides, Philip; Morrison, Howard
  • Publication
    Federal Investment in Early Childhood Data Systems
    (2021-09-01) Morrison, Howard; Coffey, Missy; Peyton, Samantha
    Within the last year, there has been an unprecedented amount of federal investment to support states during the pandemic. These funds allowed states to invest in their early childhood data systems, collecting new data and creating new tools to support the needs of families, policymakers, and critical personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. This brief provides a comprehensive overview of funding (past, present, and potential) available to states for early childhood data systems, including the new federal funding which includes or has allowances for early childhood data systems, pending legislation, previous federal investment, and existing federal funding with allowances for data systems support. Although there has been a significant amount of new federal funding that allows for the improvement of data collections, data enhancements, and data integration, there is still a need to support the state’s capacity to implement and maintain these improvements over time. This provides an opportunity for foundations, philanthropic organizations, or additional state and/or federal funds to supplement the data systems efforts.
  • Publication
    Lessons Learned about ECIDS Teams: Infrastructure and Composition
    (2020-07-31) Nguyen, Jenna; Coffey, Missy
    As a state embarks on the process of planning for an Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS), it is important to understand the composition and infrastructure of a typical ECIDS project team to ensure successful implementation of the data system. The purpose of this brief is to outline leadership, implementation, and planning roles and responsibilities of an ECIDS project team and share lessons learned from states that have been effective at operationalizing their ECIDS.
  • Publication
    Framework | Data Governance Dashboard: A New Approach to Gathering Feedback & Operationalizing ECIDS Governance Processes
    (2019-05-13) Si, Philip; Coffey, Missy; Ponder, Bentley; Jackson, Darra; Bruno, Jessie; Keith, Jim
    Use of the Data Governance Dashboard Framework encourages states to regularly gather input from ECIDS stakeholders to inform governance decisions, compiling information on data needs, data usage, and the research agenda. This structure for ongoing feedback encourages engagement of stakeholders and leaders and creates a reliable source of input and a basis on which governance groups can make decisions. The Data Governance Dashboard Framework promotes transparent, data-informed, decision-making, contributing to the effectiveness and sustainability of the ECIDS over time.
  • Publication
    Framework | Community Assessment: A New Approach to Using Community-Level Early Childhood Service Data
    (2019-05-13) Coffey, Missy; Sirinides, Philip; Matherly, Steven
    The Community Assessment Framework includes data in four key areas: Eligibility, Access, Services, and Impact. Use of this framework encourages states to bring together comprehensive data in a meaningful way. Integrating data across these areas yields critical information to help policymakers and community leaders assess needs, evaluate impact, customize solutions for their communities, and foster greater community engagement in early childhood efforts.
  • Publication
    Framework | Data Story: A New Approach to Building Early Childhood Data Stories
    (2019-05-13) Sirinides, Philip; Coffey, Missy; Larson, Anitia; Whitman, Avisia
    Use of the Data Story Framework encourages states to bring together comprehensive data to build a data story and inform action steps.
  • Publication
    Building Capacity to Implement an ECIDS: Technical Resources
    (2023-05-15) Coffey, Missy; Sirinides, Philip M; Dabbs, Ellory R; Havrilla, Aliana M
    Over the last decade, significant investments of federal, state, and philanthropic funds have helped some states develop Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS). State leaders continue to ask questions about the capacity needed to implement an ECIDS and sustain it over the long term. To address these concerns, ECDataWorks conducted a national study of state capacity to implement an ECIDS. This series of briefs is designed for state leaders to make informed resource decisions necessary to build the capacity to implement and sustain an ECIDS. While technology is not typically the main barrier to making progress with ECIDS, it is an ongoing and resource-intensive aspect of implementation. State leaders need to allocate sufficient resources to both implement and modernize legacy systems, while also enhancing and building ECIDS. However, the availability of business intelligence tools provides a promising avenue for state agencies to improve reporting and analysis, and better meet the evolving needs of program and policy leaders.
  • Publication
    Building Capacity to Implement an ECIDS: Leveraging State Resources
    (2023-05-15) Coffey, Missy; Sirinides, Philip M; Dabbs, Ellory R; Havrilla, Aliana M
    Over the last decade, significant investment of federal, state, and philanthropic funds has helped some states develop an early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS). State leaders continue to ask questions about the capacity needed to implement an ECIDS, as well as to sustain these systems over the long term. In response, ECDataWorks conducted a national study of state capacity to implement an ECIDS. This series of briefs is designed for state leaders to inform resource decisions necessary to build the capacity to implement and sustain an ECIDS. Leveraging state resources to support an effort such as an ECIDS is not a new idea, but knowing which resources and where to leverage them when there are multiple agencies involved is important. Each state has a different structure and context for implementing an ECIDS, which makes state resources critical to ensuring that the time spent planning and launching leads to a system that can be used to support early childhood systems long-term. Fortunately, states have shared which state resources were necessary to implement and sustain the ECIDS.