Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning
The Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) examines how college- and career-readiness standards are implemented, if they improve student learning, and what instructional tools measure and support their implementation.
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Publication Implementation of Texas's Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Math: Insights, Innovations, and Challenges in Six Districts(2018-06-01) C-SAIL, C-SAILThis brief presents findings from C-SAIL’s Implementation Study, which uses interview and survey data to explore how district administrators, principals, and teachers are understanding, experiencing, and implementing the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state standards in English language arts (ELA) and math. We examine how and what kinds of supports are provided to teachers of all students, including students with disabilities (SWDs) and English learners (ELs) who take the general state assessment.Publication Implementation of Ohio’s Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Math: Insights, Innovations, and Challenges in Six Districts(2018-06-01) C-SAIL, C-SAILThis brief presents findings from C-SAIL’s Implementation Study, which uses interview and survey data to explore how district administrators, principals, and teachers are understanding, experiencing, and implementing Ohio’s Learning Standards in English language arts (ELA) and math. We examine how and what kinds of supports are provided to teachers of all students, including students with disabilities (SWDs) and English learners (ELs) who take the general state assessment.Publication Implementation of Kentucky’s Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Math: Insights, Innovations, and Challenges in Six Districts(2018-04-01) C-SAIL, C-SAILThis brief presents findings from C-SAIL’s Implementation Study, which uses interview and survey data to explore how district administrators, principals, and teachers are understanding, experiencing, and implementing the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) in English language arts (ELA) and math. We examine how and what kinds of supports are provided to teachers of all students, including students with disabilities (SWDs) and English learners (ELs) who take the general state assessment.Publication Common Challenges to Implementing College- and Career-Readiness Standards(2019-04-01) C-SAIL, C-SAILWith the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015, federal funds were mobilized for state and local use to help improve educational opportunities for all students, including disadvantaged and high-need learners. Yet with this effort to decentralize federal authority came a notable amount of variation in how teachers experience standards-based policy firsthand. While many in the field grapple with the revisions that come with a growing decentralization of standards-based reform, teacher learning and understanding of college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards and revisions is critical to successful implementation. Even when fully supported and focused on implementing standards in the classroom, teachers often face challenging work conditions that stymie their best efforts to implement standards-based reform.Publication How Common Core Lives: Successes and Challenges of the “New” College- and Career- Readiness Standards(2019-04-01) Edgerton, Adam K.Is the Common Core “dead”? Though no longer called the Common Core in our many states, the “new” college-and-career readiness standards still guide much of education policy. This brief reveals seven trends guiding standards implementation today.Publication Implementation of California’s Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Math: Insights, Innovations, and Challenges in Six Districts(2019-05-01) C-SAIL, C-SAILThis brief presents findings from C-SAIL’s Implementation Study, which uses interview data to explore how district administrators, principals, and teachers are understanding, experiencing, and implementing California’s learning standards in English language arts (ELA) and math. We examine how and what kinds of supports are provided to teachers of all students, including students with disabilities (SWDs) and English learners (ELs) who take the general state assessment.Publication C-SAIL Year 2 Convening: Students with Disabilities Presentation(2016-11-18) Fuchs, Doug; Fuchs, LynnDoug & Lynn Fuchs present Year 1 findings specific to students with disabilities at C-SAIL's first annual "A Conversation on College- and Career-Readiness Standards" in Washington, D.C. on November 18, 2016. This PowerPoint presentation corresponds to a presentation video available at c-sail.org/videos.Publication The Feedback on Alignment and Support for Teachers (FAST) Program(2021-01-20) Smith, ToniOver the last decade, most states have adopted new college- and career-readiness standards in math and English language arts (ELA), standards that call for the mastery of ambitious content and raise expectations for student success and classroom instruction. To support teachers in the implementation of these new, challenging standards, the Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) has developed the Feedback on Alignment and Support for Teachers (FAST) program. The FAST program is a virtual coaching program designed to support 4th grade math and 5th grade English language arts (ELA) teachers in fully understanding the college- and career-readiness standards in their states and implementing instruction aligned with these standards to foster learning for all students, including English language learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities (SWDs). The program includes three key program components: personalized instructional coaching, tools to support reflection, and an online library of resources.Publication C-SAIL Year 2 Convening: English Learner Presentation(2016-11-18) Flores, NelsonNelson Flores presents Year 1 findings specific to English language learners at C-SAIL's first annual "A Conversation on College- and Career-Readiness Standards" in Washington, D.C. on November 18, 2016. This PowerPoint presentation corresponds to a presentation video available at c-sail.org/videos.Publication C-SAIL Year 2 Convening: Longitudinal Outcomes Study Presentation(2016-11-18) Song, MengliMengli Song presents Year 1 findings from the Longitudinal Outcomes Study at C-SAIL's first annual "A Conversation on College- and Career-Readiness Standards" in Washington, D.C. on November 18, 2016. This PowerPoint presentation corresponds to a presentation video available at c-sail.org/videos.