Pressure: Students use qualitative methods to explore the meaning of pressure among graduate students here at the University of Pennsylvania

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Penn collection
Degree type
Social Policy
Social Work
Teaching, Research, Collaborative Classroom
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SWRK 781: Qualitative Research

Each student investigator (n=14) in Qualitative Methods Research Class (SW781), 2014, recruited a study participant (graduate students from across the university) and trained them in the appropriate and ethical use of photography in this context. Study participants were asked to define and explore the concept of pressure in their daily lives and were instructed to use their smart phones or digital cameras to document their exploration over one week. Using participant-generated photographs each member of the research team conducted a photo-elicitation interview with a participant. Additionally each student investigator recruited between 3 and 5 members of the Penn community (n=75) and asked them to answer 2 freelisting questions designed to help us explore the meaning of pressure. Preliminary review of the audio recordings from the interviews resulted in the identification of several themes. Examples include time, health, money, depression, sleep, and self-care. Here, we share with you a sample of these themes through participant generated photos and associated quotes. Additionally, we share the preliminary analysis of freelist data.

Date Range for Data Collection (Start Date)
Date Range for Data Collection (End Date)
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Researchers: Dana Belletiere, Kristin Bouchard, Luke Butler, Amanda Cafaro, Katharine Cunningham, Mollie Dugan, Alison Flukes, Sally Goebel, Kimberly Kleiman, Kimberly Levin, Joshua Littlejohn, Lindsay Mapes, Laura Rocek, Beth Stelson, Ashley Tomlinson Professor: Rosemary Frasso, Ph.D Consultant: Shimrit Keddem Scientific Advisor: Carolyn Cannuscio, Sc.D Design: Lauren Hallden-Abberton Please also see our PennWIC blog post ( for more description and photos.
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