The Patterns and Costs of Services Use among Homeless Families

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Penn collection
School of Social Policy and Practice::Departmental Papers (SPP)
Degree type
Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Urban Studies and Planning
Urban, Community and Regional Planning
Homelessness Program Accountability and Costs
Homelessness, Child Welfare and Out-of-home Placement
Homelessness among People with Behavioral Health-related Disabilities
Homelessness among Families with Children
Homelessness, Child Welfare and Out-of-home Placement
family homelessness
services utilization
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Park, Jung Min
Metraux, Stephen

This study examines families’ use of behavioral health hospitalization and foster care placement prior to, during and following shelter use, comparing families based on shelter pattern and type of housing exit. Results show that inpatient and foster care services use drops in the homelessness period, but rebounds following exit, regardless of pattern of shelter use, and type of housing exit. Results suggest that shelters supplant use of services, but not on a sustained basis. Despite declines in concurrent services use, the homelessness period is overall more costly for episodically and long-term shelter users, primarily owing to the high costs of shelter. High rates of inpatient and foster care services use following the homeless spell suggest that providers of homeless assistance should systematically screen and refer homeless families to on-going community-based service supports. Service use patterns indicate that homeless spells may disrupt continuity of care with community-based health and social services.

Date Range for Data Collection (Start Date)
Date Range for Data Collection (End Date)
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Journal title
Journal of Community Psychology
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Journal of Community Psychology
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