Collation Model for Ms. Codex 1604: [Hymns and prayers].

Penn collection
Interdisciplinary Centers, Units and Projects::Penn Libraries::The Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts::Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS)::SIMS Models
Degree type
Arts and Humanities
Catholic Church--Hymns--Texts--Early works to 1800.
Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions--Early works to 1800.
Catholic Church.
codices (bound manuscripts)
glosses (annotations)
translations (documents)
Hybrid books.
Manuscripts, Latin -- 15th century.
Manuscripts, German -- 15th century.
Manuscripts, Renaissance.
Prayers and devotions.
Devotional literature.
Grant number
Copyright date

Manuscript collection of texts of hymns and prayers bound with slightly later printed pastoral works appropriate for a priest. The first 6 gatherings of the manuscript section (f. 1-72) contain 86 hymns and prayers in Latin with interlinear German, each followed by a German translation, including Conditor alme siderum (f. 1r), Veni redemptor genitum (f. 1v), Criste redemptor omnium (f. 7r), Ave maris stella (f. 14v), Veni creator spiritus (f. 38r). The first gathering has an added leaf (f. 5) with the abecedarian poem A solis ortus cardine by the 5th-century poet Sedulius, written in a different 15th-century Gothic cursive hand. Some of the Latin texts in this section have numerical notations above words. The sequence Ave praeclara maris stella, with Latin and German text intermingled, has been added by another hand on the last leaves of this section (f. 70v-72r). The last gathering of the manuscript section (f. 73-86), in a different hand and slightly different format, contains 30 hymns in Latin all with numerical notation above words in the text and with marginal commentary. Notes by later hands are dated 1556 (f. 86r) and 1553 (last flyleaf). Printed works precede and follow the manuscript section. An edition of the Liber florum beati Bernardi abbatis Clarevallensis printed in Augsburg in 1519 comprises the first half of the volume. Editions published in 1515 in Leipzig by Melchior Lotter of the Stella clericorum, an anonymous 13th-century pastoral handbook, and the Secreta sacerdotum by Heinrich von Langenstein, follow the manuscript section.

Date Range for Data Collection (Start Date)
Date Range for Data Collection (End Date)
Digital Object Identifier
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The .zip file Archive contains: VisColl collation model XML file, JSON collation model file, Folder of PNG files (one for each quire), Folder of SVG files (one for each quire), Screenshot of VCEditor view, PNG format Screenshot of VCEditor view, PDF format (same as the main file). Instructions: Load the JSON file into VCEditor for an editable version of the model. Use the IIIF Manifest (link in this record) to map images onto the diagram in VCEditor. Link to sharable URL (not permanent):
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