Heuristics & Biases Simplified: Easy to Understand One-Pagers that Use Plain Language & Examples to Simplify Human Judgement and Decision-Making Concepts

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Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences Capstones
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Social and Behavioral Sciences
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Gullone, Brittany

Behavioral Science is a new and quickly growing field of study that has found ways of capturing readers’ attention across a variety of industries. The popularity of this field has led to a wealth of terms, concepts, and materials that describe human behavior and decision making. Many of these resources are lengthy and complex and thus, may stand in the way of sharing knowledge. The intent of this document is to simplify a few key heuristics and biases. This will help the audience quickly and effectively communicate with others less familiar with these concepts. Each one-pager will highlight one concept with the following components:1)The definition using plain language 2) Real-world examples observed 3) Effective behavioral interventions 4) Additional resources for further learning. This document is NOT a comprehensive list of all heuristics, biases, or behavioral science concepts, nor does it capture all of the research, applications, or interventions to date. If effective, this document will serve as a quick reference guide or an introductory resource to a variety of audiences. This “bite-size” and high-level approach is intended to be easy to digest and captivating -consuming the least amount of readers’ time and cognitive effort possible.

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The final capstone research project for the Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences is an independent study experience. The paper is expected to: Present a position that is unique, original and directly applies to the student's experience; Use primary sources or apply to a primary organization/agency; Conform to the style and format of excellent academic writing; Analyze empirical research data that is collected by the student or that has already been collected; and Allow the student to demonstrate the competencies gained in the master’s program.
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