Year State Applicant Name "Rank, Regiment, or Ship" Disability When and where disabled Residence Pension Rate "Date to which arrearages are computed, and from which the annual pension commenced" Monthly Allowance Arrears Due Remarks Remarks on the Evidence Transmitted by the Judge of the District Court 1792 CT Aaron Cook "Private, Col Learned and Col Shepeard" "Wounded in the ankle which wound is sore, and renders him languishing" "Oct 4, 1792" 5.00 200 "Discharged May, 76" 1792 CT Abijah Cady "Private, 4th regiment" Incapacitated by lameness and infirmity of body caught by severe cold "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 200 "Discharged Aug 26,1779" 1792 CT Abijah Hubble "Corporeal, 2d regiment" Disabled by violent fits of sickness while in service "Sept 28, 1792" 1.83 100 "Discharged Dec 31, 1783" 1792 CT Amos Barnes "Priv, Invalids, 3d Regiment" Disabled by a rupture in the abdomen of a dangerous nature "Oct 2, 1792" 3.33 100 Discharged from the corps of Invalids in 1783 1792 CT Amos Gray "Private, Militia" "Wounded by a musket ball, which broke the trunk of his body, which occasioned a considerable dischrage of blood from his lungs; said ball went through his arms, which, thereby, are much weakened, 1777" "Sept 29, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Asa Bunce "Corporeal, 3d regiment" "Contracted a disability while in service, being overheated on a march, on the day of the battle of Monmouth" "Oct 3, 1792" 3.66 150 1792 CT Ashbel Kilbourn "Private, Col C Webb" "Disabled while a prisoner at Philadelphia, his feet being frozen, his toes dropped off, and by no proper care, totally disabled" "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 CT Azel Woodworth "Matross, Capt Wm Latham" "Wounded in the neck by a ball passing through it, Fort Griswold" 0.75 "Oct 3, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Bayze Wells "Lieutenant, Col Chandler" Debilitated by violent vilious fevers while in service "Oct 4, 1792" 8.88 200 1792 CT Burr Gilbert "Sergeant, 1st regiment" "His constitution impaired, being overheated at the battle of Monmouth, and wounded 18th Jun 1778" 0.67 "May 3, 1792" 3.56 100 1792 CT Charles Webb Colonel Disabled by a rupture while in service "Oct 4, 1792" 18.75 200 1792 CT Clement Andrus "Private, 1st Conn regiment" Wounded in his leg by a stick of timber and an open ulcer upon his leg "Oct 1, 1792" 3.33 200 Discharged 1783 1792 CT Cornelius Hamlen "Corporeal, Col Swift's Invalids" "Disabled by dangerous epileptic fits and inward bleeding, occasioned by hardships and fatigues" "Oct 4, 1792" 5.50 150 1792 CT Daniel Barns "Cap, 8th Regiment" "Overcome by the extreme heat and fatigue at the battle of Monmouth, which occasioned weakness and general debility of the body" "Oct 3, 1792" 6.66 100 1792 CT David Blackman "Private, Guard the seacoast" "Badly wounded in boarding a British sloop of war and so cut to pieces, that the entrails came out of his wounds, Sept 10, 1781" 0.67 "Oct 4, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT David Hall "Sergeant, Sappers and Miners, Capt D Bushel" "Contracted disorders by hardships at the siege of Yorktown, which terminated in epilectic fits and the dangerous symptoms of inward bleeding" 0.50 "Oct 4, 1792" 2.66 200 1792 CT David Moorehouse "Private, 2d regiment" "Contracted a rheumatic disorder, through fatigues while in service" "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 CT David Pendleton "Private, 2d regiment" Wounded by a musket ball in his thigh "May 2, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 CT David Pratt "Drum major, 3d regiment" Ruptured through fatigues and hardships "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 150 "Discharged June 9, 1783" 1792 CT David Ranny "Private, Col Gemoth's lt. tr'ps" Become a cripple by sickness contracted in service "Oct 4, 1792" 4.44 200 1792 CT Ebenezer Bevins "Private, 1st regiment Invalids" Contracted rheumatic disorders which render him unfit for labor "Oct 4, 1792" 2.22 150 1792 CT Ebenezer Curtis "Private, 1st regiment Invalids" Lost the use of both his arms by innoculation of the small pox "Oct 4, 1792" 2.44 150 1792 CT Ebenezer Gilbert "Private, 1st regiment" Ruptured while in service 1780 "Sept 26, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Ebenezer Patchin "Private, Capt S Cromstock" "Lost by sickness, while in service, the use of his left eye, the sight of the right being much impaired" "May 2, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 CT Elihu Sabin "Private, Gen Putnam" Wounded by a musket ball which passed through his right leg at the battle of Bunker Hill 0.50 "Oct 3, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 CT Elijah Boardman Sergeant "Disabled and rendered infirm and lame by an inflammatory rheumatic disorder, 1782" 0.75 "Oct 2, 1792" 5.00 200 1792 CT Elijah Rice "Private, 3d regiment" Dangerously wounded in the right shoulder "Oct 2, 1792" 4.44 200 1792 CT Eliphalet Easton "Private, Col Chandler's" "Wounded in his left hand, by means of which he lost the use of his two fingers, and in a great measure, the use of his hands; wholly disabled, 78" "Oct 4, 1792" 5.00 200 1792 CT Elisha Clark "Artificer, Capt Boilstone" "Lost all the toes except the great toe of his right foot, in 177" 0.25 "Oct 3, 1792" 5.00 100 1792 CT Elnathan Norton "Private, Capt C Norton, militia" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered below his breast, broke one of his ribs, and came forth at his back, 4th July, 1779" 0.75 "May 3, 1792" 3.33 130 1792 CT "Enoch Turner, Jun" "Private, Col T Cook" "Wounded by a musket ball below his knee, 19th Sept 1779" 0.67 "May 3, 1792" 2.22 100 1792 CT Enos Blakely "Private, Col E Huntington" "Infirmity, being a cripple, being cut for the stone at the hospital, 1782" Full "May 3, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 CT Francis Baxter "Private, Capt Wright" "Badly wounded in the left arm and both legs, May 23 1780" 0.75 "Oct 3, 1792" 3.33 200 1792 CT Francis Nicholson "Sergeant, Col SB Webb" "Debilitated by the small-pox, excessive fatigues, and hardships" "Oct 3, 1792" 7.50 150 1792 CT George Lord "Private, Capt B Wright" "Wounded in the back part of the neck, and in the small of his back" 0.50 "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 CT Gideon Noble "Corporeal, Col C Webb" Ruptured in his scrotum at the battle of Monmouth "Oct 4, 1792" 3.66 150 1792 CT Harchwell Barns "Priv, Invalids, 3d Regiment" "Contracted a disorder while in service, lost his hearing and incurred debility" "Oct 2, 1792" 2.22 100 Discharged from the corps of Invalids in 1783 1792 CT Heber Smith "Sergeant, Invalids" "Wounded by a musket ball through his thigh, at the White Plains" 0.50 "Sept 27, 1792" 2.66 150 1792 CT Isaac Buell "Private, Col Baldwin's artf." Ruptured in the scrotum and will never recover 0.33 "Oct 3, 1792" 2.22 150 1792 CT Isaac Higgins "Fifer, Capt E Abel" Ruptured his abdomen 0.50 "May 3, 1792" 3.25 100 1792 CT Isaac Palmer "Sergeant, 3d regiment" Debilitated by fits while in service "Oct 4, 1792" 2.50 150 1792 CT Isaac Richards "Private, Capt E Reed, militia" "Decrepited by a musket ball in his left leg, 27th Apr, 1777" 0.33 "May 3, 1792" 2.22 100 1792 CT Isaiah Bunce "Private, 7th regiment" "Wounded in his leg which occasioned ulcers and lameness, Apr 27, 77" "Oct 4, 1792" 4.44 100 1792 CT Jabez Lenis "Private, Col C Bunell, 1 year" Wounded and beaten by the Indians when taken prisoner "Oct 2, 1792" 4.44 200 1792 CT James Bears "Private, Col Warner" "Wholly incapacitated by inoculation of the small pox, which fell into his right leg and ankle and has, in great measure, withered his leg, 77" "Sept 29, 1792" 4.44 199 1792 CT James Campbell "Private, RI State" "Wounded in his leg, whereby he is much debilitiated , Aug 29, 1778" "Oct 4, 1792" 1..66 200 1792 CT James Wayland "Private, Col S.B. Webb" "Disabled by a great cold while in service, and in the way of his duty" "May 3, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 CT Jedediah Brown "Sergeant, Capt U raymond militia" "Wounded in his left hand by the bursting of his musket, 19th Feb 1779" 0.25 "May 2, 1792" 3.56 160 1792 CT Jedediah Smith "Private, Maj Wullis' under Lafayette VA" His constitution ruined by fatigues and hardships "Oct 4, 1792" 4.44 200 Discharged in 1783 1792 CT Jeremiah Osborn "Sergeant, 2d regiment artillery" "Contracted weakness, and bleeding at the lungs, occasioned from fatigues" "Sept 27, 1792" 2.50 200 "Discharged June 9, 1783" 1792 CT Job Bartram "Captain, Militia" "Wounded bya musket ball, which entered his right breast and penetrated nearly to his shoulder and very much injured the large muscle and principal tendon" 0.50 "Oct 2, 1792" 10.00 200 1792 CT Joel Fox "Private, Col Durke" "Lost the use of his right eye by the small pox in the natural way and wounded at the battle of Germantown, Oct 4 77" "Oct 3, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 CT Joel Gillet "Ensign, Col Jed Huntington" "Incapacitated by hardships, while prisoner on board of the prison-ship" "Oct 3, 1792" 6.66 150 1792 CT Joel Wilcox "Private, Col Swift's" "Disabled by the measles, dysentery, and a bilious fever" "Oct 4, 1792" 4.44 200 1792 CT John Chandler Colonel "Contracted various infirmities of the body, with nephritic disorders, and an hydrocele, and a continued debility" "Sept 28, 1792" 18.75 500 1792 CT John Chapple "Private, 6th R Parsons" Wounded by two balls in his shoulder and side by which his shoulder blade was fractured and his arm greatly disabled at the battle of Bunker's Hill 0.33 "Oct 4, 1792" 2.22 100 1792 CT John Downs "Sergeant, 3d regiment" "Affected with weakness in his breast, blood-spitting, and a general debility, occasioned by great hardships sustained while in service in 1781" "Oct 4, 1792" 5.00 150 "Discharged June 10, 1783" 1792 CT John McKinsey "Private, Col Sellman" "Wounded by athe stroke of a musket in his face, his arm fractured and broken" "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 CT John McKensey "Private, Col Chandler's Invalids" "His eyesight much impaired by sickness, contracted while in service" "Sept 29, 1792" 1.66 100 "Discharged Dec 31, 1782 (unfit)" 1792 CT John Roberts "Trumpeter, Sheldon" Ruptured while in service "Oct 4, 1792" 5.00 150 1792 CT John Smith "Private, Col M Willets" "Badly frozen in his feet upon a tedious march from Oswego to Fort Rensselaer, on the Mohawk River, in Feb 1783" "May 3, 1792" 2.52 100 1792 CT John Watson "Private, Col Hoit" Disabled by a sprain in his right shoulder "Oct 4, 1792" 1.66 100 Dischraged Jan 10 79 1792 CT Jonah Cook "Private, 5th regiment, 6 months" "By an accidental fall broke the rim of his belly, which produced a dangerous rupture in 1781" 0.50 "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 CT Jonathan Bowers "Corporeal, Col Cook's militia" "Shot in the right arm, which broke the bones of his arm, Oct 19 77" "Oct 4, 1792" 3.66 200 1792 CT Jonathan Flagg "Artificer, Col Baldwin" "Infirmness and weakness in his breast, sitting blood, contracted in service" "Oct 4, 1792" 5.50 250 Discharged May 1781 1792 CT Joseph Dunbar "Corp, Lt Drag. 2nd regiment lt. dr. " "An injury in his private parts, by leaping his horse, which has become an incurable rupture, whereby one of his testicles is almost obliterated" 0.75 "Oct 4, 1792" 7.50 200 1792 CT Joseph Loring "Private, Capt Bladwin's artif" Ruptured at the erecting of a wharf at West Point "Oct 4, 1792" 5.50 100 Discharged Nov 79 1792 CT Josiah Lacey "Captain, Col PB Bradley" "Contracted a rheumatic disorder, which renders him unable to walk or to step" "Oct 4, 1792" 10.00 100 1792 CT Josiah Merriman "Corporeal, 2nd regiment lt. dragoons" Wounded on the thumb and shoulder of the right arm 0.67 "Oct 4, 1792" 6.66 150 1792 CT Josiah Witter "Lieutenant, Volunteers" "Wounded by four musket balls, in different parts of his body, one of which passed through the trunk of his body, and separated one of his ribs from the back bone" "Oct 4, 1792" 10.00 200 "In the certificate of Josiah Witter, the following proviso is made: Provided, nevertheless, That, as he was a volunteer, if that be properly chargeable over to the United States, then he should be placed on said pension list, and ought to receive the sums aforesaid; otherwise, not." 1792 CT Levi Pierce "Private, Col Swift's" Lost the two middle fingers of his right hand; his hand much injured by a shot of the enemy near Valley Forge "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 CT Lyman Kinne "Private, Col C Webb" "Wounded by a musket ball passing through his right thigh, which cut and affected the chords of his thigh, 1776" "Oct 4, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Moses Boardman "Private, S.B. Webb" Contracted rheumatic afflictions by severe duty and hardships "Sept 29, 1792" 3.33 100 Discharged in 1783 1792 CT Moses Evans "Private, SB Webb" "Lost the sight of his right eye by inoculation of the smallpox, 77" "Oct 3, 1792" 3.33 100 "Discharged June, 1783" 1792 CT Moses Smith "Private, Col Swift's" "Injured by a fall, about his back and hips" "Oct 4, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Nathaniel Beach "Private, 3d Conn regiment" "Wounded in his foot, while in service, by cutting it with an axe" "Sept 25, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Nathaniel Lewis "Private, Milita" Wounded in the thigh by a grape shot 0.25 "Oct 4, 1792" 2.22 150 1792 CT Nathaniel Scribner "Captain, militia" "Wounded by a musket ball, which passed obliquely through his left arm, 1778" 0.25 "Oct 4, 1792" 10.00 200 1792 CT Philip White "Private, 1st regiment" Injured and lamed by a wound in his legs "Oct 4, 1792" 2.22 150 1792 CT Reuben Chapman "Private, Col PB Bradley" "Contracted sickness and consumption while prisoner at New York, 1776" "May 3, 1792" 4.45 200 1792 CT Richard Watrous "Private, Col RJ Meigs" "Wounded by several stabs of bayonets, particularly near his left breast, also wounded by musket balls in his arms and hands" 0.75 "May 3, 1792" 3.33 120 1792 CT Robert Jerome "Fifer, New levies" "Broke by a fall the bones of his left knee, which rendered him stiff" 0.25 "Oct 4, 1792" 2.44 150 1792 CT Salmon Burr "Private, Col R Eno, raised by the State" Become a cripple by reason of repeated cold and hard service "Oct 4, 1792" 5.00 150 "Discharged Nov 13, 1777" 1792 CT Samuel Andrews "Corporeal, Capt Asa Bray" "Wounded by a musket ball in the wrist of his hand, which is amputated, 10th Oct 77" 0.50 "May 2, 1792" 3.25 150 1792 CT Samuel Bennet "Fifer, Capt E Abel" "Lost the toes from each of his feet, being frozen while prisoner at New York, 19th Feb 1776" "May 2, 1792" 3.66 200 1792 CT Samuel Easton "Sergeant, 3d regiment" Disabled and ruptured by excessive fatigues and hardships "Oct 3, 1792" 3.33 150 "Discharged Feb 13, 1782" 1792 CT Samuel Loomis "Corporeal, 1st regiment" Fractured the bones of his arm when pursued by the enemy 0.25 "Oct 2, 1792" 2.44 200 "Discharged June 7, 1783" 1792 CT Samuel Parker "Private, Capt J Walker" "Wounded by a cannon ball, which shot away the rim of his belly, about two inches, expedition on Rhode Island" "May 3, 1792" 3.70 100 1792 CT Samuel Whiting Colonel Contracted rheumatic complaints and inflammation in his eyes while in service "Oct 4, 1792" 15.00 100 1792 CT Simon Crosby "Dragoon, Col Sheldon's" Badly wounded in the right wrist in 1779 0.50 "Oct 3, 1792" 4.16 150 1792 CT Stephen Minor "Matross, Col Ledyard" "His wrist broken, and his arm withered, while on duty, 79" 0.50 "Oct 4, 1792" 2.08 150 1792 CT Thaddeus Bube "Private, 1st Conn regiment" lost his right eye and debilitated by the inoculation of the smallpox "Oct 4, 1792" 1.66 100 1792 CT Thaddeus Reid "Private, Lieut N Slasson" Disabled by violent pains and inflammation while in service "May 3, 1792" 2.22 100 1792 CT Theodore Andrus "Private, S B Webb" "Totally disabled by a fall, which bruised the upper part of his thigh, which occassioned deep ulcers, of which several times, pieces of bone have been extracted, 1779" Full "Oct 3, 1792" 6.66 300 Discharged 1780 1792 CT Thomas Hobby "Major, Col Waterbury's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which passed through his hip" 0.50 "Oct 4, 1792" 8.33 200 1792 CT Thurston Hilliard "Artificer, Capt Patton" "Wounded by a piece of timber, which fractured his breastbone, Yorktown" 0.33 "May 2, 1792" 4.00 160 1792 CT Toney Turney "Private, 2d regiment" "Wounded by Barmore's corps of light horse, in several places, and who rode over him, in 1779" "May 3, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 CT William Anderson "Corporal, 5th Bradley Invalids" "Infirm, debilitated in his constitution, occasioned by hardships and fatigue at the battle of Monmouth" "Oct 4, 1792" 3.88 150 1792 CT William Case "Sergeant, Connecticut levies" "Sickness contracted in service, which produced an ulcerous sore" "Oct 2, 1792" 4.00 150 Discharged Nov 1776 1792 CT William Leech "Private, S. B. Webb" "Wounded in one of his legs by rolling of a cannon ball, which made such a contusion that it occasioned a curious ulcer, 78" "Oct 4, 1792" 3.33 150 "Discharged Mar 29, 1779" 1792 CT William Leeds "1st Lieut., Marine" "Badly wounded by a musket ball, which entered his breast and shoulder, and is lodged in his shoulder blade, 1777 brig Resistance" 0.50 "May 3, 1792" 6.00 250 1792 CT William Weare "Private, S Wyllis's Invalids" "Wounded in his head, which subjects him to dizziness, and also contracted rheumatic complaints, while in service at the retreat from York Island" "Oct 4, 1792" 2.22 150 1792 CT William Woodruff Corporal 5th regiment "Ruptured in straining, being on special command in launching boats" "Oct 1, 1792" 2.44 100 1792 CT Yale Todd "Private, Gen Wooster" "Disabled by hardships to which he was exposed, which occasioned a lameness" "May 3, 1792" 5.55 150 1792 CT Zachariah Stanford "Sergeant, Militia" "Disabled by cold, being exposed to storm and rain, sleeping on the wet ground" "Oct 4, 1792" 4.00 150 1792 MA Aaron Mason "Private, Col Frye" "Ordered out on fatigue on the night of the 16th of June, 1775 at Bunker's Hill, and continued on fatigue during the whole of the next day; and that, by excessive labor, on that service, he was taken with fever, which has impaired his health" "May 19, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 MA Abner Pier "Private, Col J. Brown" "Wounded in the flesh of the leg, thigh, and shoulder in the back and front of the head, and scalped at Stone Arabia in Oct 1780" 0.50 "May 17, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 MA Amos Pierson "Sergeant, Col Little" "Wounded by a musket ball at the battle of Bunker Hill, 7th of June, 1775" 0.20 "May 17, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 MA Asa Merritt "Private, Col Greaton" "Lost wholly the sight of one of his eyes by inoculation of the small pox, 1777" "May 19, 1792" 2.96 50 1792 MA Barnabas Chapman "Private, Col Bayley" "Wounded in his right hand at the battle of Behmus's Heights, Sept 19, 77" "Oct 15, 1792" 1.11 30 1792 MA Benjamin Farnum "Cap, Col Fry" Wounded by musket balls in his left leg and near the right hip in the battle of Bunker's Hill "Oct 15, 1792" 13.33 80 1792 MA Benjamin Pressey "Private, Col Wessons" "Disabled in a considerable degree by convulsions and fits, contracted by the excessive heat and exertions at the battle of Monmouth in June 1778" "May 17, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 MA Caleb Chadwick "Private, Col J Patterson" Wounded in the right thigh by a musket ball in 1775 0.25 "May 17, 1792" 1.11 50 1792 MA Cesear Spragues "N.B. The following persons have been returned by the court, but their names withheld from the list of pensioners, viz: Cesear Spragues, for a monthly allowance of two dollars and fifty six cents and eighty dollars arrears, who deserted April 15, 1780" (1/2 - 1795) 1792 MA Daniel Lollar "Private, 12th Regiment" "Being employed in 1779 in tranporting public stores to West Point, over the ice in a snow storm, both his feet frozen, and lost several joints of his toes" "May 19, 1792" 1.33 30 1792 MA Ebenezer Bement "Brigade Major, BGJ Patterson" "Wounded in the shoulder by a musket ball, at the retreat from Ticonderoga, and injured by sufferings while a prisoner" "Oct 15, 1792" 8.33 100 1792 MA Ebenezer Kent "Ensign, Col H Jackson" "Injured his constitution by great exertions while in the army, and particularly at the battle of Monmouth" "Oct 15, 1792" 6.66 100 1792 MA Ebenezer Learned Colonel Ruptured by falling on a stake at Dorchester Heights in Mar 76 0.25 "Oct 15, 1792" 8.33 70 1792 MA Henry Gates "Private, Col Nixon" Wounded in his head by a ball which passed through the same "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 50 1792 MA Henry Hawks "Private, Col M Jackson's" Lost the use of one of his arms and one of his legs "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 MA Jacob Loomis "Private, Col Bayley" "Incapacitated by fatigue and heat, at the battle of Monmouth" "Oct 15, 1792" 3.66 30 1792 MA James Easton Colonel Disabled by diseases contracted in Canada in the year 1775 "Oct 15, 1792" 16.66 100 1792 MA Job Lane "Private, Col E Brooks" Wounded in the left side in the battle of Bunker Hill 0.50 "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 MA Job Priest "Ensign, Col Vose" "Ruptured in assisting in removing ordanance stores, at the retreat from Canada, 1776" 0.33 "May 17, 1792" 3.75 80 1792 MA John Grace "Lieutenant, 1st Regiment" Injured by great exertions and excessive heat at the battle of Monmouth "May 19, 1792" 5.00 50 1792 MA John Heath "Corporeal, 6th Regiment" Ruptured by the rolling of a log upon his breast while cutting wood for huts to cover the troops in the winter of 1780 "May 18, 1792" 1.83 50 1792 MA John Manly "Captain, Marine" "Received several wounds and blows, particularly in his left leg and left shoulder, the leg being thereby rendered lame, and the toes of his left foot contracted; the heavy blow on the shoulder depriving him of the free use of his left armfrigate, Hancock 1777" "May 17, 1792" 1.33 30 1792 MA John Nixon Colonel Disabled by a wound at the battle of Bunker's Hill and by sickness contracted in service 0.33 "Oct 15, 1792" 16.66 100 1792 MA John Taylor "Sergeant, 15th regiment" "Ruptured in the left side, in consequence of a wound received at West POInt, in 1780" "Oct 15, 1792" 2.66 40 1792 MA Jonah Scovell "Private, Northern armyGeneral Gates" Disabled by two wounds at the capture of General Burgoyne "Oct 15, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 MA Jonas Green "Private, Col, M Jackson" "Wounded by a musket ball which passed through his body at Ticonderoga, 1777" "May 19, 1792" 1.67 40 1792 MA Joseph Bates "Dragoon, Col Sheldon's" "Disabled by a rupture in the side, occasioned by fatigue" "Oct 15, 1792" 2.08 30 1792 MA Joseph Cox "Private, Col Bigelow" Lost his right leg at the battle of Monmouth 0.67 "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 MA Joseph Goodridge "Private, Col Gerrish" "Wounded by the stroke from the muzzle of a musket, by which he totally lost his right eye in the summer of 75" "May 17, 1792" 2.66 60 1792 MA Joseph Loring "Lieutenant, Col Knox" Disabled by the small-pox while prisoner at New York in 75 "Oct 15, 1792" 8.88 80 1792 MA Joseph Peabody "Private, Col R. Putnam " "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered his right side and passed through his body between Fort Edward and Fort Miller, June 29, 1777" 0.50 "May 18, 1792" 1.66 40 1792 MA Lemuel Barns "Private, Capt J Parson's, Maj Cady, and Capt Moses Ashley" "Disabled by the small pox, which injured his sight, retreating from Canada, afterwards, by heat and fatigue on the march, four days previous to the battle of Monmouth" "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 MA Levi Farnsworth "N.B. The following persons have been returned by the court, but their names withheld from the list of pensioners, Levi Farnsworth for a monthly allowance of two dollars and twenty two cents, and one hundred dollars arrears, who deserted April 14, 1780" (1/2 - 1795) 1792 MA Moses Fitch "Private, Col E Brooks" "Wounded by a cannon ball at the White Plains, in 1776" "Oct 15, 1792" 2.22 80 1792 MA Nathaniel Barney "Corporal, Col H. Jackson" "Wounded with a bayonet, which entered his left breast and passed through his back, which wound is still open, near Yorktown, VA, 1781" "May 17, 1792" 2.44 120 1792 MA Ozias Judd "Sergeant, Col Porter" Disabled in a great degree in the campaign in Canada "Oct 15, 1792" 2.66 40 1792 MA Patrick Shanley "Private, 10th regiment" "Wounded in the right ankle and left arm, near the wrist, Kingsbridge 1781" "May 18, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 MA Peter Charlont "N.B. The following persons have been returned by the court, but their names withheld from the list of pensioners, viz: Peter Charlont, for a monthly alloweance of five dollars, and two hundred dollars arrears; recommended by the court ""to the notice and benevolence of Congress""" 1792 MA Peter Hemmeway "Private, Militia" "Wounded by the bursting of his gun, his arm amputated in 1777, at Saratoga" 0.50 "May 17, 1792" 1.63 60 1792 MA Robert Wyley "Ensigh, 8th regiment" "Wounded in the head at the battle of Behmus's Heights, in 77" "Oct 15, 1792" 5.00 50 1792 MA Sampson Brown "Private, Col Y Bieglow's Invalids" "Wounded in his hip by a cannon ball, at the capture of General Burgoyne" "Oct 15, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 MA Samuel Joy "Private, Col Willett" "Both of his feet frozen in the expedition from Fort Plain on the Mohawk river, to Oswego" "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 30 "** Letters surrounding claim of Samuel Hull, from Peter Hagner to Jonathan Dayton, case needs to be reexamined." 1792 MA Samuel Warner "Private, Col Ashley's militia" Disabled by lifting heavy timber at the capture of General Burgoyne "Oct 15, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 MA Simeon Noyes "Sergeant, militia" "Wounded in the right hand, and lost one par of his fore-finger at the battle of Behmus's Heights, Oct 1777, and further disabled by the camp fever in 79" "May 19, 1792" 3.33 80 1792 MA Spafford Ames "Private, Col Fry" Wounded by a musket ball in his thigh at the battle of Bunker's Hill "Oct 15, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 MA Thomas Alexander "Captain, Col Rose" One of his hips dislocated and his thigh bone broke while in service in 1777 0.50 "May 19, 1792" 7.50 250 1792 MA Thomas Cook "Private, 2d NH regiment" "Wounded by a musket ball, which still remains in his side, at the battle of Behmus's Heights, Sept 19 77" "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 80 1792 MA Thomas Gleason "Private, Militia" "Lost one of his thumbs and his hand much injured by bursting of a gun, 19th Apr 1775" "May 17, 1792" 1.67 20 1792 MA Thomas Lilly "Private, 5th regiment" "Contracted diseases in the campaign at Saratoga, in Sept 77" "Oct 15, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 MA Uriah Goodwin "Private, 15th regiment" Wounded by a musket ball which passed through his body at the White Plain in 1780 0.25 "Oct 15, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 MA Wardwell Green "Sergeant, Col Green" "Disabled by a wound in his throat and shoulder at Province island, State of Pennsylvania, in Oct 77" "Oct 15, 1792" 2.00 30 1792 MA William Eaton "Sergeant, 8th Regiment" Lost the sight of his left eye by an accidental wound "Oct 15, 1792" 2.00 30 1792 MA William Warren "Lieutenant, Col Nixon" "Wounded by the bursting of a shell, June 17, 1776, at the battle on Breed's Hill in Charlestown. " 0.33 "May 17, 1792" 3.33 50 1792 ME Anthony Starbard "Private, Col Rose" "Lost the sight of one eye, and the other much injured by the inoculation of the small-pox, in consequence of general orders, about the month of Apr 77" "June 22, 1792" 3.33 150 1792 ME Benjamin Thompson "Lieutenant, Col Brewer" "Contracted rhematism and bilious rhind, when retreating from Ticonderoga, in 1777" "June 22, 1792" 8.88 2/3 300 1792 ME Dudley Bradstreet "Private, Invalids" "Dangerously wounded by a musket ball in the jugular artery, Sept 9, 77" "June 22, 1792" 3.33 488 7/8 "Dudley Bradstreet is returned for arrearages from the date of his discharge, at the rate of 3.33 per month, which appears by the muster-rolls, to be the 14th of Dec, 1779, the day mentioned by the court" 1792 ME John Bean "Corporeal, 3d NH regiment" "Wounded in the left arm, Aug 29, 1779 at the Indian expedition under General Sullivan" "March 4, 1789" 3.33 143 7/9 "John Bean and Moses Cass were formerly invalid pensioners from the State of New Hampshire, and paid up by that State till 7/31/85, at the rate of 3.33 per month, and struck off for reason ""removed out of the State;"" they have not been included in any list, either for arrerages or monthly pension, but are now returned by the district court of Maine, at the same rate, and for arrearages from the date they were paid up by the State of New Hampshire" 1792 ME Moses Cass "Private, 3d NH regiment" "Nearly lost the use of his right hand and arm by the inoculation of the small-pox, being in the army at Valley Forge" "March 4, 1789" 3.33 143 7/9 "John Bean and Moses Cass were formerly invalid pensioners from the State of New Hampshire, and paid up by that State till 7/31/85, at the rate of 3.33 per month, and struck off for reason ""removed out of the State;"" they have not been included in any list, either for arrerages or monthly pension, but are now returned by the district court of Maine, at the same rate, and for arrearages from the date they were paid up by the State of New Hampshire" 1792 ME Peter Hopkins "Private, Col Hitchcock" "Contracted an ulcer, or fever sore, settled in his left leg, and almost deprived him of the use thereof, in consequence of sickness, while in service in 1776" "June 22, 1792" 3.33 250 1792 ME "Squire Bishop, Jun" "Private, Col S. Webb" "Badly wounded by a musket ball, at the expedition against Penobscot, 1779" "June 22, 1792" 3.33 200 1792 NH Abraham Kimball "Private, Militia" Wounded in the thigh at the battle of Bennington 0.50 "May 28, 1792" 0.84 15 1792 NH Ebenezer Copp "Sergeant, Col Read" "Badly wounded in the back, side, and in his groin, at the battle of Bunker's Hill" Full "May 28, 1792" 3.33 20 1792 NH Ebenezer Fielding "Private, Col Jas. Read" "Taken, in the retreat from Canada, in 1776, with the small-pox, and by hardships, and lying on the ground while in that disorder, and not having proper attendance, has lost the use of his left eye" "May 28, 1792" 2.32 40 1792 NH Edward Wildo "Lieutenant, Col Hubbard" "Wounded by a ball passing through his left wrist, 10th Aug 1777, at Bennington" 0.67 "May 28, 1792" 1.71 20 1792 NH James Crombie "Lieutenant, Col Hale" "Ruptured in his groin, being thrown from his horse while on duty, shortly after the evacuation of ticonderoga " Full "May 28, 1792" 3.33 20 1792 NH Jeremiah Prichard "Lieutenant and adj't, Col Cilly" "Wounded in July 77 in an engagement, by a ball passed through his left shoulder, and ruptured in his groin, at the expedition of Gen. Sullivan against the Indians" 0.50 "May 28, 1792" 5.67 150 1792 NH John Clough "Private, 2d regiment" "Lamed by wounds in his leg and in his thigh, on the highlands, in 1779" "May 28, 1792" 2.32 20 1792 NH John Reed "Private, Col Gilman" "His right arm blown off in the act of charging a field piece, 26th March 1777" "May 28, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 NH Joshua Gilman "Private, Col Hubbard" "Wounded in the left arm, 8/6/77, at the battle of Bennington" 0.33 "May 29, 1792" 1.11 20 1792 NH Thomas Eastman "Private, Col Cilley" "Dangerously wounded in the head, 19th Sept 77, at the battle of Behmus Heights, and at intervals subject to convulsions and derangement in his mind" 0.75 "May 28, 1792" 1.67 40 1792 NH Thomas Kimball "Private, Col Read" "Wounded in the arm by a musket ball at Chemong, in 1779" 0.40 "May 29, 1792" 0.09 15 1792 NH Weymouth Wallace "Private, Col Stake" Wounded in the wrist 17th June 1775 at the battle of Bunker's Hill 0.50 "May 28, 1792" 2.22 40 1792 NH William Taggart "Ensign, 2d regiment" "Wounded in 1777 in the shoulder, at the retreat from Ticonderoga and lost in 1778 the sight of his eye by the inoculation of the smallpox" 0.50 "May 28, 1792" 5.33 120 1792 NJ John Hodge "Captain, Volunteer" Badly wounded in both his hands by the explosion of powder "Sept 5, 1792" 3.33 120 1792 NJ John Obert "Private, 1st regiment" "Disabled in his health and constitution, which, in some measure affected the use of his limbs in 1776 by the smallpox and colds in Canada" "Sept 5, 1792" 1.33 60 1792 NJ Sylvester Tilton "Private, Col Forman" "Wounded in the breast by a ball, which penetrated through his body" "Sept 5, 1792" 1.66 50 1792 RI Clark Albro "Private, Kingston Reds" "Wounded by a musket ball in his left arm at Newport, Aug 9, 1778" 0.25 "June 14, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 RI Daniel Eldridge "2d, Sergeant" "Wounded at Fort Griswold by a musket ball, which entered on the lower jaw on the right side, and came out at the back side of his neck, Sept 6, 1781" "June, 1792" 3.33 100 1792 RI Edward Vose "Sergeant, Col Barton" "Received a stroke of an oar, which has much disabled him, producing an inguinal rupture, and is under the continual necessaity of wearing a steel truss, Aug or Sept 1779" 0.17 "June 14, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 RI James Bliven Forage master "Received a violent contusion in his right leg, while removing hay from the Island of Prudence to the main, by order of Col C Greene, 1779" "June 14, 1792" 3.00 50 1792 RI John Baggs "Sergeant, Col Dyer's militia" Badly wounded in the left hand by the splitting of a musket 0.33 "June 14, 1792" 3.33 60 1792 RI Robert Carr "Private, Col Olney" "Wounded on the 2d day of July, 1781 in a skirmish with the enemy near Kingsbridge, in the State of New York, by a musket ball entering his left, passing through the upper jaw, and coming out at the mouth, etc." 0.50 "June 14, 1792" 1.66 20 1792 VT Abraham Merrifield "Private, Col Learned's" "Wounded on an expedition against the British troops at Boston lighthouse, by a musket ball, which passed through his right leg" "June 29, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 VT David Brydia "Private, Col Herrick's" "Wounded at the battle of Bennington, Aug 77" 0.25 "June 29, 1792" 1.66 30 1792 VT Elijah Bennett "Private, Col Putnam" "Disabled at Bunker's Hill, by a wound in his right arm" 0.50 "June 29, 1792" 2.22 50 1792 VT Elijah Tray "Sergeant, Col Warer's" "Lost his health by the fatigue and the want of supplies, on an expedition to Jusep's patent, State of New York, by order of General Schuyler, Apr and May 1777" "June 29, 1792" 3.33 30 1792 VT Ephraim Wilmarth "Sergeant, Col Robinson's regiment militia" "Wounded by a musket ball, which lodged in his shoulder blad in an action with the British troops, 16th Aug 77, near Bennington" "June 29, 1792" 2.50 20 1792 VT Isaac Webster "Sergeant, Col Warner's" Wounded in his right arm "June 29, 1792" 1.25 15 1792 VT Jared Dixon "Private, Col Chandler's" "Disabled at German town, in 1777, by a ventral rupture" "June 29, 1792" 2.22 40 1792 VT John Serjeant "Corporeal, Col Wait's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered his right breast and came out under his right shoulder blade, was carried to Quebec, and remained a prisoner six months" "June 29, 1792" 2.44 1/2 50 1792 VT Jonathan Haynes "Private, Col Robinson's" "Wounded at Bennington, 16th Aug 1777 by a ball which passed through his breast" 0.50 "June 29, 1792" 2.50 100 1792 VT Richard Millan "Sergeant, 10th MA" "Disabled by hardships and fatigues, which occasioned an incurable sore in his leg" "June 29, 1792" 2.50 60 1792 VT Samuel Ball "Private, 10th Reg Mass" "Disabled by hardships, fatigue, and sickness, and also lost one eye" "June 29, 1792" 3.33 50 1792 VT Samuel Bartlett "Captain, Col Weston's Mass" "Health greatly impaired by the fatigues and hardships he endured in defending Fort Stanwix, alias Fort Schuyler, when besieged by the British in 1777" "June 29, 1792" 5.00 100 1792 VT Samuel Eyers "Private, Col Stark's" "Disabled by a wound in the left arm, which fractured the bone" 0.25 "June 29, 1792" 0.95 10 1792 VT Stephen Gates "Sergeant, Col Selden" Disabled near the White Plains by a wound in his left leg "June 29, 1792" 1.25 40 1792 VT Thomas Yorrence "Private, Col Moseley's continental militia" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered about three inches about the anus, and lodged in his body" 0.50 "June 29, 1792" 5.00 100 1792 VT William Yates "Private, Col Butler's" Disabled by a venal rupture in the service of the United States "June 29, 1792" 2.50 20 1792 VT Zimri Hills "Private, Col Storn's" Disabled by a wound in his right hand 0.50 "June 29, 1792" 1.66 30 1794 CT Aaron Cook "Private, Colonel Ebenzer Learned's regiment" "Has a large callous ulcer on the small of his left leg, occasioned by a wound received in a dark night, while on guard, by means of some timber" "1776, Roxbury" Granby 0.75 Militia; no rolls in this office The evidence to substantiate his claim has been taken before two commissioners only; in other respects it is complete. 1794 CT Aaron Tuttle "Private, Col Cook's" "Wounded by a musket ball in the foot, which entered between the first and second toe, and came out some distance above the great toe joint; that he lost one toe, and is very much disabled in consequence of said wound" "10/7/77, capture of Burgoyne" Hamden 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office " Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Abner Bradley Private "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered his back, broke one of his ribs, and has rendered him ever since unfit for labor" "4/77, Campo" Watertown 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Ambrose Smith "Mariner, Captainer McCleave's gallery" "Wounded in his right hand by a nine pound shot, which fractured the bone of his middle finger, and prevents him from having a full use of that hands" "8/76, Toppon Bay" East Haven 0.50 "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Ashbel Hosmer "Corporeal, General Waterbury's" "Wounded in the back by a musket ball while in the service of the United States, which produces cramps in his legs, arms, and neck, with violent pain, and in a great measure disables him from getting a living" "7/81, Frog's Neck" Wallingford 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 CT Azel Woodworth Private Wounded by a musket ball shot through his neck at the storming of Fort Griswald by the British "9/6/81 Fort Griswold, in Groton" Groton 0.75 Evidence incomplete. The report of the examining physicians does not appear to be on oath. No evidence where or how he left the service. 1794 CT Benjamin Howd "Private, 2d regiment militia" "Wounded by a musket ball in the thigh, which at times totally disables him from walking" "7/5/79, East Haven" Branford 0.75 There are no militia rolls in this office " Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Chandler Pardee "Private, Col Sabin's militia" "Wounded in the small of the back by a musket ball, which disables him very much" "7/5/79, New Haven" East Haven 0.88 There are no militia rolls in this office " Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Daniel Hewett "Sergeant, Col Denison's militia" "Wounded in the hand and wrist by a musket ball, by which he has been very much disabled ever since" 7/1778 Wyoming Tolland 0.33 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Daniel Preston "Private, General Isreal Putnam's" "Wounded by a ball in his right shoulder, whereby he has lost the free exercise of his army" "June, 1775, Bunker's Hill" Lisbon 0.33 Militia Evidence Complete 1794 CT Daniel Thompson "Private, Major General Parson's" "Frozen feet, and likewise injured by severe traveling on the day the American army left New York" "1776, retreating from New York" Montville 0.50 Militia "Evidence complete, as to the object stated excepting that the report of the examining physicians does not appear to be upon oath; but not being actually wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 CT Edmond Smith "Private, Captain Bradley's company artillery" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered his right wrist, and was extracted about midway between the wrist and elbow" "7/5/79, New Haven" New Haven 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Elihu Sabin "Private, General Isreal Putnam's" Wounded by a musket ball shot through his leg "June, 1775, Bunker's Hill" Pomfret 0.50 Militia Evidence Complete 1794 CT Elijah Hoyt "Private, 13th MA regiment" "Wounded by a bayonet, which entered his right side, near the lower ribs, and came out on the left side, near his back" Monmouth New Milford 0.50 "Enlisted 3/1/77, discharged 3/7/80 " "Evidence incomplete, no evidnece of his place of residence for the two years after leaving the service. " 1794 CT George Buttolph "Private, General Parson's" "Lost his eyesight almost entirely at the battle of Monmouth, in consequence of the heat of the day" "June, 1778, Monmouth" Stonington 0.33 Enlisted 1/10/77 for the war; transferred to the invalids 4/7/1781 "Evidence incomplete: viz:1st, only one witness to prove his disability to be the effect of injuries received in service, and in the line of his duty; 2nd, the report of the examining physicians is not upon oath; 3rd: there are only two freeholders that testify to his disability for the first two years after leaving the service, the law requiring three. The claimant not being actually wounded, is not comprehended by the laws. " 1794 CT Gorshom Dorman "Private, 2d Dragoons" Wounded in the arm by the stroke of a broadsword while in the service of the US; which wound disables him 1/2 from obtaining his livelihood by labor "6/79, Poundridge" Sharon 0.33 "Enlisted 4/16/77, for the war" "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Isaiah Bunce "Private, Col Swift's" "Disabled while in the service of the US, by a wound he received in the leg, which has occasioned an ulcer, and renders him incapable of performing his accustomed labor" "4/27/77, New Milford" Washington 0.75 "Enlisted 3/26/77 for three years, discharged 3/31/80" Evidence complete 1794 CT Jabez Tomlinson "Private, Col Sheldon's dragoons" "Disabled when on fatigue cutting wood; he having cut off the two smallest toes of his left foot, and almost cut off the two next toes on the same foot, which occasions much pain when he walks" "Nov, 1780" New Milford 0.25 "Enlisted 10/23/1780, time in service unknown" Evidence complete 1794 CT Jacob Frisbie "Private, Col Silliman's" "Disabled by a fall which he got while in the service of the US from the top of a house, he being ordered there to watch the motion of the enemy, who were then on Long Island" "8/30/76, New York" Litchfield 0.90 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Jared Knapp "Sergeant, Col Bradley's" "Disabled by the explosion of gunpowder while in the service of the United States, by which means he is in a great measure unable to get a livelihood" Nov-77 Litchfield 0.50 "Enlisted 3/5/77, and continued to the end of the war" Evidence complete 1794 CT Jesse Grant Captain "Labors under a double inguinal rupture, occasioned by the force of a cannon ball passing near the lower part of his body, before he was made a prisoner at Fort Washington" Fort Washington Litchfield 0.50 Evidence incomplete; disability from known wounds not proven. No evidence as to why he did not apply before. 1794 CT Job Bartram "Captain, 4th CT militia" "Wounded in his breat by a musket ball, which discharged itself by the right shoulder blade **Against the claim of Job Bartram, there has been transmitted to the War Office, by Thaddeus Betts and Samuel Williams, Justices of the Peace, and by four selectmen of the town of Norwalk, the affidavits of Selly Gregary, John Sanders, Timothy Finch, and two others, setting forth that Bartram never appeared to them, nor did he ever complain of being disabled from any wound; likewise, the affidavit of Captain Jahez Gregory, who states that, in the year 1784, Job was brought into house in great pain, having his shoulder dislocated by the oversetting of a sled." "1779, Fairfield" Norwalk 0.50 No rolls of militia in this office Evidence complete 1794 CT Joel Camp "Private, Colonel Patterson's" Wounded on board a batteau when crossing Lake Champlain; which wound occasioned an ulcer and renders him almost unable to get a living by labor "7/76, Lake Champlain" Litchfield 0.67 There are no returns of this regiment for 76 in this office Evidence complete 1794 CT John Chappel "Private, Colonel Parson's regiment" Wounded in the shoulder by a musket ball "6/17/75, Bunker Hill" Montville 0.33 Militia "Evidence complete, except tha the report of the examining physicians is not upon oath" 1794 CT John Fulfords "Sergeant, Col Meigs" Disabled in a great measure by a wound he received while in actual service 7/1780 Stony Point Watertown 0.50 Not to be found on the rolls Evidence complete 1794 CT John Harsford "Private, Capt Buel's company militia" "Wounded in the fourth finger of the left hand, by a shot which broke the bone, by which his hand was for a long time totally useless, and continues now quite lame" "8/76, Harlem Heights" Litchfield 0.13 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT John Smith "Lieutenant, CT militia" "Wounded in the back by a musket ball, which renders him incapable of getting a living by labor" "4/28/77, Campo" Milford 0.88 There are no militia rolls in this office " Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Jonah Cook "Private, Colonel Isaac Sherman's" "Wounded while in the line of his duty, by falling on a cedar stump, which produced a scrotal rupture" "8/81, Peekskill, State of New York" "Watertown, CT" 0.50 "Enlisted 1/5/81, on the rolls in 1782 " Evidence complete 1794 CT Jonathan Whaley "Private, 3d Connecticut militia" Wounded by a musket ball shot through his thigh "9/6/81, New London" Montville 0.25 Militia Evidence incomplete - The report of the examinining physicians does not appear to be upon oath; no evidence where or how he left the service 1794 CT Joseph Dunbar "Corporal, Colonel Sheldon's dragoons" "Wounded by a shot through his right leg; another through his mouth, at the battle of Germantown; wounded also at the battle of Whitemarsh, by having his sword shot out of his hand, and his thumb broken" "1777, Fermantown and Whitemarsh" "Watertown, CT" 0.75 "Enlisted 3/1/77, for the war; discharged 7/1/80 " Evidence complete. 1794 CT Lazarus Ruggles Lieutenant "Wounded in the left wrist and right hand by a cannon shot while in the service of the United States, and that he is disabled so as to prevent him from doing 1/2 the labor he otherwise would have been able to do" "11/28/76, White Plains" New Milford 0.50 "Not mustered in the Connecticut Line, supposed to be a militia officer" Evidence complete 1794 CT "Lee, Lay" "Captain, 1st Regiment of CT State Troops" "Received a wound in his head by a broadsword, which cut through his skull, whereby he is subjected to grievous nervous afflictions" "1780, Greenwich" Lyme 0.17 No rolls in this office of State troops Evidence complete 1794 CT Levi Pierce Private "Wounded in the right hand by a musket ball, which took off the two middle fingers, and disables him 1/2 from getting a livelihood" "8/77, Croton River" Litchfield 0.50 "Enlisted 4/2/77, and discharged 4/8/78" Evidence complete 1794 CT Noah Upson "Private, 2d regiment Connecticut dragoon" "While in the service of the US, and in the line of his duty, he was taken stick, which sickness fell into one eye, and produced a cataract" 1779 Waterbury 0.25 "Enlisted 2/15/78, for three years; discharged 12/31/1780 " "Evidence Incomplete. Disability from known wounds not proven. The place of his residence proven by two freeholders only. Not being wounded, his case is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 CT Obadiah Perkins "Lieutenant, fireworker, garrison, Fort Griswald" Wounded in his breast by a bayonet "9/6/81, Fort Griswold" Groton No rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, The evidence of his being wounded while in the actual line of duty seems rather doubtful, the report of the examinining physicians does not appear to be upon oath and does not state the degree of his disability. the evidence of three freehodlers adduced does not ascertain their knowledge of his mode of life, employment, etc for the first two year immediately after leaving the service" 1794 CT Oliver Bostwick "Ensign, Col Beebe's" "Wounded in the left shoulder by a musket ball while in the servie of the United States, which wound disables his 2/3 from obtaining a livelihood by labor" "7/2/80, Kingstreet New York" New Milford 0.67 There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 CT Prince Dennison "Private, Colonel Huntington's" Wounded in his arm by a musket ball Yorktown Stonington 0.50 "Militia, no rolls in this office" "Evidence incomplete: viz: 1st - the report of the examining physicains does not appear to have been given upon oath; 2nd no evidence of three freeholders of his disability for the first two years after leaving the service, 3rd no evidence of two witnesses of the continuance of his disability, 4th no evidence when or how he left the service." 1794 CT Robert Jacways "Private, 5th Connecticut, Col Bradley's afterwards in the corps of invalids" Frozen and worn in service Stonington Full Enlisted 2/22/77 for the war; transferred to invalids 10/29/80 " Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st, No evidnece of his disability proceeding from known wounds; 2nd the report of the examining physicians is not upon oath; 3rd - there are only two freeholders that testify to his disability for the first two years immediately after leaving the service, the law requiring three. The claimant not being actually wounded, is not comprehended by the laws." 1794 CT Robert Jerome "Fifer, Col Douglass's" "In the retreat from New York, he fell down and hurt one knee so much as to occasion a continued stiffness" 1776 Watertown 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 CT Samuel Burdwin "Private, 5th regiment" "Wounded by a musket ball, in and through his right side and intestines, by which means he is very much disabled" 8/29/82 near Fishkill Tolland 0.33 "Enlisted 4/27/81, for three years transferred to invalid list on 6/27/82" Evidence complete 1794 CT "Samuel Edgecombe, Junior" "Private, Connecticut militia" Lost part of his forefinger on his right hand "9/6/81, New London" Groton Militia "Evidence incomplete - The report of the examinining physicians does not appear to be upon oath, and does not state the degree of his disability, no evidence of when or how he left the service" 1794 CT Samuel Hart "Lieutenant, Col Cook's" "Wounded in the right breast by a musket ball, which came out near the shoulder blade, which renders his right arms almost useless" 28387 Durham 0.86 There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 CT Samuel Hempstead "1st Lieut. Marines Frigate Deane, Captain Nicholson" Wounded in the hip by a musket ball which still remains there while on furlough "9/81, New London" New London 0.67 "His account was settled in the year 1787 by the late commissioner for the marine department, and a certificate issued for the balance found due to him" Evidence incomplete 1st - No evidence of his being wounded while in the line of his duty; 2nd the report of the examining physicians is not upon oath; 3rd no evidnece of three freeholders of the existence of his disability for the first two years afte rleaving the service 1794 CT Samuel Sawyer "Private, Capt Roger's company militia" "Wounded in the body by a musket ball which passed through, broke two of his ribs, and passed through his liver, and renders him incapable of getting a livelihood" "4/27/77, Wilton" Cornwall 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT Silas Hubbard "Private, Col Chandler's eight months men." Very much debilitated by a fit of sickness he had while in the service of the US at White Marsh "1777, White Marsh" Tolland 0.50 "Enlisted 4/29/77 for eight months, discharged 1/1/78" " Disability by sickness, not by wounds, therefore not entitled by law to a pension" 1794 CT Solomon Reynolds "Private, Connecticut line" "Wounded by a musket shot , in a skirmish with the British toops at Elizabethtown, in NJ, which entered near his left breast, and was taken out near his navel; it fractured his ribs, which still continue disunited, and his occasioned an exfoliation" "1780, Elizabethtown" Woodbury 0.67 "Enlisted May 25, 1777, for the war; discharged May 19, 1780" Evidence complete 1794 CT Stephen Miner "Quarter-gunner, Colonel Ledyard's corps" Broke the wrist of his left arm by accidence in exercising a fieldpiece "1779, Fort Trumbull" New Lonson 0.50 Militia "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st Only one evidence to prove his being wounded in actual service, the law requiring two; 2nd: the report of the examining physicians is not upon oath" 1794 CT Theophilus Goodyear "Corporal, Col Meigs" "Wounded by a museket ball in the back, whc disables his from performing daily labor" 10/76 White Plains Reading 0.25 Enlisted 4/1/77 for the war Evidence complete 1794 CT Thomas Parmelee "Sergeant, militia" "Wounded by a musket shot in his right thigh, which has occasioned an exfoliation of the bone" "4/77, Ridgefield" Washington 0.13 Militia Evidence complete 1794 CT Thomas Shepeard "Private, Col Douglas" Wounded in his left leg by a cannon ball from a British ship while in the service of the US "Sept, 1776, Turtle Bay" East Haven 0.25 There are no militia rolls in this office " Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 CT William Jones "Marine, Ship Oliver Cromwell, 20 guns" "Wounded by a grape shot entering his thigh, and discharing itself at his hip, in an engagement with the British ship Admiral Keppell" "April 1778 at sea, about 60 leagures from the island of Antigua" Norwich 0.75 "The Oliver Cromwell was not a continental vessel, therefore know nothing of William Jones " "Evidence incomplete. The claimant has resided in Nova Scotia from the close of the war until lately. There is no evidence of his disability during this time. Not being in the service of the US, he has not claim for a pension." 1794 CT William Leeds "First lieutenant, armed brig Resistance, Captain Chew" "Wounded by a musket ball in his shoulder during an engagement with a British letter of marque; in which action the command devolved upon him, Captain Chew having been killed" "Winter, 1777, 1778" New London 0.50 "Entered on board the Resistance 4/5/77, and wounded the 4th of March 1778, as per roll, and his letter to the marine Committee, dated March 10, 1778 " "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st, only one witness to prove his disability to be the effect of injuries received in service, and in the line of his duty in actual service. This witness deposeth that he does not know any person now living who was on board the brig after having been left at Martinique after the engagement, where he remained, in consequence of his wound, till that year. Other evidence is produced to support his claim, which is taken before Justices of the Peace, and not by the District Judge, or commissioners, as required by law." 1794 CT William Washington "Colonial, Militia" "Wounded by a musket ball on his right temple, which deprived him of hearing with his right ear, and injures the sight of his right eye" "7/6/79, East Haven" New Haven 0.25 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except the time of leaving the service" 1794 DE Daniel McDonald "Corporal, Capt Jacquet's company, Delaware regiment" "Wounded in his leg in the action of Germantown, which crippled him, and renders him incapable of maintaining himself, being 71 years of age" 10/4/77 Germantwon Newcastle County "Enlisted 4/77, for the war; discharged 9/78" Evidence complete 1794 DE George Fulham "Sergeant, 7th MD, Capt Anderson's company" Wounded in his left in the action at Germantown 10/4/77 Germantwon Enlisted for the war; transferred to invalids Jan 1782 "Evidence imperfect, viz: no evidnece of the continuation of his disability to the present time" 1794 DE John Carr "Private, Delaware regiment" "Disabled by a stroke received across his loins by a bog when in the execution of his duty; in consequence of which he became unable to support himself, and was allowed a pension, but afterwards struck off, on a supposition that his disability had ceased; this not being the case, he again claims the provision made for disabled soldiers" Wilmington 0.80 Enlisted 10/77 for three years; discharged 10/6/79 "Evidence complete, except that he was examined but by one physician" 1794 "KY, NC, SC" Joseph Singletary "Lietenant, NC militia" "Wounded in the left arm by the accidental discharge of a musket while in the actual line of duty, in the service of the US; that for near two years he continued languishing under the wound, and that by the effects on it, and from no other cause, the arm is withered, the joint of the elbow crooked and stiff, and the fingers of the left hand contracted" "1776, Wilmington" County of Bladen Full There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence perfect 1794 MA Abijah Hinds "Private, Col Aaron Williard's" "Has a preternatural hardness and humor in his navel, which is become ulcerous, occasioned by lifting a wagon wheel" "8/76, Number Four Woods" Scituate 0.75 Militia "Evidence imperfect, viz: no evidence to prove his disability to have been the effect of known wounds, no evidence when or how he left the service" 1794 MA Ebenezer Learned "Col, 3d MA" "Ruptured in his groin, occasioned by a fall" "1776, Dorcester Heights" Oxford 0.25 "Brigadier general, Mar 24, 78; resigned" Evidence complete 1794 MA James Batchelder "Pioneer, Clough's company" "Blown up into the air while employed in drilling a rock, in falling, received a violent contusion on his shoulder" "7/78, Fort Putnam, West Point" Beverley 0.25 No rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 MA John Crane "Col, US Artillery" "Wounded in the foot by a cannon ball from the British ship of war commanded by Captain Wallace, which disables him from performing more than 1/2 of his usual labor" 1776 Boston 0.50 "Col Crae has received his commutation, which is not returned" "Evidence complete, except as to his place of residence for the first two year after he left the service, as required by law" 1794 MA John Maynard "Quartermaster sergeant, Col Jonathan Brewster's" "Wounded in his leg by a musket ball; likewise received a wound in his body by a musket ball in 2/1780 at the While Plains, when acting a lieutenant in the 3d MA regiment" "6/17/75, Bunker Hill" Framingham 0.10 Militia Evidence complete 1794 MA John Nixon Colonel "Wounded by a ball in his testicles, whereby he is subjected to pain in his groin, and weakness in the lower limbs" 6/17/75 Bunker's Hill Sudbury 0.33 Militia "Evidence imperfect, viz: 1st Disability from known wounds received while in the actual line of his duty, proved only by one witness, which may be from the nature of the case. 2d. The evidence of only two freeholders is produced to prove the fourth requisite of the law, which requires three." 1794 MA Joseph Cox "Sergeant, Col Timothy Bigelow's " Has lost his right leg in consequence of a wound by a musket ball 6/78 Monmouth Cambridge 0.67 "Enlisted 3/10/77 for 3 years, on the rolls in 1780" "Evidence Complete, excepting why he did not apply prior to 12/11/88" 1794 MA Levi Farnsworth "Private, Col Timothy Bigelow's" "Wounded by a ball, which fractured the bone of his left arm, and is now lodged in there" "9/19/77, Behmus's Heights" 0.50 "Enlisted 4/14/77, for three years, joined invalid 1/26/79, discharged 4/14/1780" "Evidence Complete, excepting why he did not apply prior to 12/11/88" 1794 MA Michael Jackson Colonel "Wounded by a musket ball in the right leg, which fractured the bone and injured the muscular parts, the limb is essentially disabled, and for 2/3 of the time deprives him from obtaining a livelihood by labor" "9/24/76, Montressor's Island" "Newton, in Middlesex" 0.67 "Col Jackson has received his commutation, which is not returned" Evidence complete 1794 MA Nathan Putnam "Private, Capt Hutchinson's company" "Wounded in the right arm near the shoulder by a musket ball, which broke the bone, and disabled him equal to the loss of 1/12 part of his usual labor" "4/19/75, Menotomy" Danvers 0.08 There are no rolls in this office for the year 1775 Evidence complete 1794 MA Robert Bancraft Private "Wounded while in the service of the US, in the right foot, with the stroke of an axe from which has disabled him 1/6 from getting a livelihood" Middton 0.17 Enlisted 5/10/78 Evidence incomplete as to the time and place where he received the said wound. 2d. No evidence of his receiving said wound while in the service. 1794 MA Silas Amsden "Private, 2d MA" "Wounded in the left knee by a sled load of wood running over it, which he was drawing for the use of the garrison at West Point, which wound has never been cured, and in all probability never will" "1783, West Point" South Borough Full "Discharged Sept 17, 83" Evidence complete 1794 MD Henry Tomm "Private, German regiment" Wounded in his right arm at the battle of Germantown "77, Germantown" "Mustered; wounded in Aug 77, invalided March 1779" Evidence complete 1794 MD John Bean Private Disabled in his left arm by a wound received in the service "1780, Camden" "Enlisted 1/9/79 and mustered; deserted Jan 13, 1782" Evidence complete 1794 MD John Jonas Private "Wounded in an action with a party of British troops, near Woodbridge NJ in four places, by which he is greatly disabled" "9/82, NJ" "Allegany county, in PA" Not to be found on the musters of Maryland Evidence complete 1794 MD Richard Harden "Sergeant, 10th PA" "Wounded by a shot in his left arm, which renders him incapable of hard labor, at the battle of Germantown" "77, Germantown" Mustered; wounded in Oct 1777 Evidence complete 1794 MD Simon Fogler "Private, German regiment" "Severely wounded by a cannon ball, or grape shot, in his hip, which impedes him in his walking" "77, Germantown" "Mustered; wounded Nov 77, discharged Apr 1778" Evidence complete 1794 MD William Ormond "Private, 2d Maryland" "Wounded in the right hand by a musket ball, which has deprived him of the use of three of his fingers, and in a great measure disables him from obtaining a livelihood" Monmouth Prince George's County Enlisted for three years; discharged 6/13/78 Evidence complete 1794 ME Daniel Brawn "Private, Col Edmund Phinney's" "His hearing considerably impaired, and his understanding injured by a wound received in his head by a musket ball" "10/77, Behmus's Heights" York county 0.67 "Militia, no rolls in this office" "Evidence complete, excepting that the evidence of only one freeholder is produced, instead of three, to prove the fourth requisition of the law" 1794 ME Daniel Horn "Sergeant, 2nd NH regiment" "Wounded in his arm in the battle at Hubbardtown, and was made prisoner by the British and carried back to Riconderoga where he was put under the care of a surgeon, who prounounced his wound incurable, and would have taken the arm off, but attempted a cure without it; that in the course of the 15 months he reamined a prisoner, the surgeon took out 14 pieces of bone from said wound; that after he returned to New Hampshire, had one piece of bone taken from said wound" "7/7/77, Hubbardtown" Shapley 0.33 "Daniel Horn mustered in Sept 1777, missing the 7th July 77 joined 3/2/79" Evidence complete 1794 ME Ebenezer Phinney "Private, Col Brewer's" "Wounded in his foot, by the accidental discarge of a gun, which occasioned an amputation of two of his toes" "7/77, near Saratoga" Gorham 0.25 "Enlisted 1/177, discharged 1/1/80" "Evidence perfect, excepting being taken before two commisioners instead of three, asrequired by law" 1794 ME James Crummitt "Private, 2nd NH regiment" "Badly wounded in an action at Fort Ann, on the retreat from Ticaonderoga; the ball entered his left shoulder and came out the back part of his neck, in the actual line of duty" "4/7/77, Fort Ann" Washington 0.67 "James Crummitt mustered in 9/77, wounded and in general hospital; discharged 1/25/80" Evidence complete 1794 ME John Knowles "Private, Col Stickney's" Wounded by a ball shot through his body "77, Bennington" Sterling 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1794 ME Noah Clough "Private, Colonel B Arnold's regiment" "Received a wound at the siege of Quebec, by a musket ball through his right leg, which broke and scattered both the bones, and carried away some portion of them; that the wounded leg is about one inch and a half shorter than the other, and left the upper end of one of the bones out of its proper socket, which still continues out of joint; that the said wound must have required a long while to digest and heal" "12/31/75, Quebec" Arundel 0.25 There is no evidence in this office whatever to ascertain the facts stated in favor of Noah Clough Evidence complete 1794 ME William Foster "Sergeant, Col E Bridge's regiment" "Wounded in the left wrist by a musket ball, in the action of Bunker's Hill, in the actual line of his duty" "7/17/75, Bunker's Hill" "Bristol, county of Lincoln" 0.80 William Foster. There is no evidence in this office whatever to ascertain the facts stated in his favor Evidence complete 1794 ME William Symms "Private, Capt Peter Kimball's company of militia" "Wounded by a musket ball, at the battle of Bennington, in his right arm, and has fractured the os-humeri, and a loss of part of it; that the muscles are injured and impeded in their operation" "8/77, Bennington" Washington 0.63 There is no evidence in this office whatever to ascertain the facts stated in his favor. Evidence complete. 1794 NC Philip Thomas Sergeant 3d battalion of NC "Wounded in the left arm, while in the actual line of his duty, at the action of the Eutaw Springs, State of South Carolina" 9/8/1 Eutaw Springs County of Duplin Full "Enlisted in 5/81, for twelve months" Evidence perfect 1794 NC William Moore "Private, 3d battalion of NC" "Wounded in the articulation of the knee, while in the actual line of his duty, at the action of the Eutaw Springs, State of South Carolina" 9/6/81 Eutaw Springs County of Duplin "Enlisted in 5/81, discharged 1/31/82" Evidence perfect 1794 NC William Simpson "Private, 5th Virginia" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered the left side, near the region of the kidneys" "1776, Saratoga" Rockingham "Enlisted 4/6/76, two years; discharged 2/78" Evidence complete 1794 NH Amos Pierce "Lieutenant, Col Nichols's" "Wounded by a ball in his left hand, which has, ina considerable degree, perished. N.B. Amos Pierce, soon after his return from service, was taken speechless, which has ever since, in a great measure, continued. He is about 9/10 of his time in a state of delerium, which the physicians are doubtful whether or not proceeds from his wounds; if it does, they consider him entitled to a full pension" "8/77, Bennington" Westmoreland 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Andrew Aiken "Sergeant-major, Col Stickney's" "Wounded by a musket ball, shot through his right breast which deprives him, in a great degree, of the use of that arm" "8/77, Bennington" Deering 0.75 "Militia, no rolls" Evidence complete 1794 NH Archelaus Batchelder "Sergeant-major, Col Nichols's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered his side" "8/16/77, Benington" Wilton 0.50 Militia "Evidence complete. Has received 30 pounds for which he is held accountable, as appears by the original return from the above State." 1794 NH Asa Putney "Sergeant, Col, Thomas Stickney's militia" "Has lost the use of his right arm, by a musket ball shot through it" "8/77, Bennington" Warner 0.50 Militia; no rolls Evidence complete 1794 NH Caleb Austin "Private, Col Brooks's" Wounded by a musket ball in his right ankle "10/76, White Plains" Bow 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Charles Rice "Private, Col John Stark's" "Wounded by a ball, passing through his right shoulder and breast, which prevents him from the free use of his right arm" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Surry 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Daniel Moore "Captain, Col Stark's" "Has an incurable ulcer in his leg, in consequence of the small pox contracted when in service. " "1776, Canada" Deerfield Full Militia "Evidence complete as to the object; but not being wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 NH David Newton "Private, Col Jonathan Holman's" "Was overcome by the heat, in retreating to Haarlem Heights, near New York, which occasioned universal weakness in all his limbs" "9/76, near New York" Chesterfield Full Militia "Evidence complete as to the object; but not being wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 NH Ebenezer Carleton "Private, 1st NH, served as purveyor to Gen Washington" "Received a fall from his horse, whilst acting as purveyor to General Washington's family, by which fall he was badley ruptured in his left groin" 6/1/82 Alexandria 0.75 "Evidnece complete, excepting that the deposition of one witness, to prove his being wounded in the line of duty, is taken before a justice of the peace" 1794 NH Ebenezer Fletcher "Fifer, 2d New Hampshire" "Wounded by a bullet, which passed through the small of his back" "7/77, Hubardstown" New Ipswich 0.25 "Enlisted 3/5/77, discharged 4/1/80" Evidence complete 1794 NH Edward Waldo "Lieutenant, Col David Hobart's" "Wounded by a ball, which passed through his left wrist; whereby the bones were broken, and remain dislocated" "8/16/77, Benington" "Walpole, count of Cheshire" 0.67 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Elijah Morse "Private, Col Enoch Hale's" "Was afflicted with a nervous inflammatory disorder, which deprived him, for some time, of the use of his reason; and which has ever since totally incapacitated him for labor, in consequence of wading a river (encumbered with floating ice) in obedience to his commanding officer" "10/77, Batteukiln river" New Ipswich Full Militia "Evidence complete as to the object; but not being wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 NH Elijah Smart "Private, Col Cilley's Ist NH" "Is, in a great measure, deprived of the use of his right foot, in consequence of a fever while in service" "5/78, Valley Forge" "Hopkinton, County of Washington" 0.17 Enlisted 4/7/77 for three years; discharged 4/7/80 "Evidence complete, excepting that the evidence of the examining physicians does not precisely state the degree of disability. The claimant, not being wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 NH Francis Whitcomb "Private, Col Thomas Marshall's" "Wounded in his left groin, while on a scouting party, by some Indians and tories belonging to General Burgoyne's army" "7/31 or 8/1 77, near Schuyler's" Fitzwilliam 0.33 "Enlisted 4/1/77 for three years, discharged 4/1/80" Evidence complete 1794 NH Henry Currier "Private, Col Stark's " Lost his right eye by the smallpox while in service "July 76, Crown Point" "Hopkinton, County of Washington" Militia "Evidence complete, excepting that the examining physicians do not state the degree of his disability" 1794 NH Henry Danforth "Private, Col Reed's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which remains lodged in his left shoulder" "1782, near Mohawk River" Northfield 0.50 Enlisted 2/5/77 for the war; on the rolls 1783 Evidence complete 1794 NH Humphrey Hunt "Private, Col Scammel's " "Wounded by a musket ball, shot through his left hands" "8/79, Newtown" Sanbornton 0.25 "Enlisted 1/27/78 for two years, discharged 1/27/80" Evidence complete 1794 NH "Jacob Wellman, Jun" "Private, Col James Reed's" "Wounded by a musket ball, shot through his right leg" "6/17/75, Bunker Hill" Lyndeborough 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH James Ford "Capt, Col Nichols's" "Wounded by two musket ball, which passed through both his thighs" "8/6/77, Bennington" West Nottingham 0.50 "Militia, no rolls in this office" "Evidence complete . It appears by certificates accompanying his petition, as well as by the original return from the above State, that he received half-pay as captain for four months, to Jan 19, 78" 1794 NH James Hutchins "Private, Col Nixon's" "A universal debility, in consequence of a fever while in service, which terminated in an ague and sore in his leg" "1/77, Chatham" Sutton 0.83 Not found on the rolls "Evidence complete as to the object; but not being wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 NH James Moore "Private, NH" "Has a large incurable sore on the back part of his right leg, occasioned by a bruise or wound received in falling with a barrel of lour" "Sept 75, at the great carrying place of Kennebeck river" Sharon Full Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Jeremiah Richard "Lieutenant, 1st New Hampshire" "Wounded by a musket ball, in his left shoulder. N.B. Likewise received a rupture in his groin, in the Indian expedition under the command of General John Sullivan, in the summer of the year 79." "10/7/77, Hubbardstown" New Ipswich 0.50 Discharged 7/5/80 Evidence complete 1794 NH John Knight "Private, Col Peabody's" "Has lost two fingers on his left hand, by his gun going off by accident while on guard" "78, Boston Neck" Northwood 0.50 Militia 1794 NH John Lincoln "Private, Col Bayley's" "Wounded by a musket ball, shot through his right leg" "9/76, Harlem Plains" Bedford 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH John Redding "Private, Col Moses Nichols's" "Has large putrified ulcers on both his legs, occasioned by a cold caught in wading a river in pursuit of the enemy, which is a high state of perspiration" "8/6/77, Bennington" Surry 0.67 Militia "Evidence complete as to the object; but not being wounded, is not comprehended by the laws" 1794 NH John Smith "Sergeant, 1st North Hampshire" Wounded in his head by a musket ball; ball not yet extracted "7/81, near Kingsbridge" Francistown 0.50 Enlisted 4/5/77 for the war; on the rolls in 1783 1794 NH John Varnum "Private, Col James Reed's" Wounded in one of his shoulder "6/17/75, Bunker HIll" Raymond 0.50 Militia 1794 NH Jonas Adams "Private, 1st NH" "Wounded by a musket ball, which passed through his left leg" "10/77, Behmus's Heights" Jeffrey 0.33 "Enlisted 2/1/77 for three years, discharged 2/1/80" Evidence complete 1794 NH Jonathan Lake "Private, 2d New Hampshire" Wounded in his left thigh by a musket ball "7/3/81, Kingsbridge" Rindge 0.50 Enlisted 4/10/78 for the war; on the rolls in 1783 Evidence complete 1794 NH Jonathan Margery "Private, 2d New Hampshire, Capt Cloye's company" "Wounded in his thigh, while on a scouting party, ball not yet extracted" "7/29/77, near Fort Edward" Hancock 0.67 "Enlisted 1/10/77, transferred to invalids 11/79" 1794 NH Joseph Goodridge "Private, Col Gerrish's" "Has lost his right eye, by the muzzle of a musket being accidentally thrust into it. N. B. It appears that Goodridge, at the time of his enlistment, was a schoolmaster; had received a good education, but by means of the loss of his eye, and the pain he suffered, was obliged to leave the business, as also that of studying physic, and go to labor" "7/75, near Chelsea" Lebanon Militia "Evidence complete, excepting that the examining physicians do not state the degree of his disability" 1794 NH Joseph Greeley "Private, Col James Reed's" Wounded in his right leg by a ball "6/17/75, Bunker Hill" West Nottingham 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Joseph Patterson "Private, Col Baldwin's" "Wounded by a ball, which, entering behind his right ear, came out through his cheek, in consequence of which he is perfectly deaf in that ear, constantly afflicted with pain in his head, and whenever he takes cold, is subjected to painful sensations" "1776, White Plains" "Wounded by a ball, which, entering behind his right ear, came out through his cheek, in consequence of which he is perfectly deaf in that ear, constantly afflicted with pain in his head, and whenever he takes cold, is subjected to painful sensations" Militia "Evidence complete, excepting that the examining physicians do not state the degree of his disability" 1794 NH Joshua Gilman "Private, Col David Hobart's" His left arm broken by a ball; likewise wounded in his breast "8/16/77, Benington" Alstead 0.67 Militia "Evidence complete. Begs leave to be replaced on the pension list; he received a pension from the above State to the 31st Dec 1779, when he was struck off the list by order of court" 1794 NH Joshua Haynes "Private, Nixon's minute company" "Wounded in his right shoulder, by a musket ball, which has deprived him, in a considerable degree, of the use of his arm" "4/75, Lexington" Washington 0.50 Militia; no rolls in this office "Evidence complete, excepting when he left the service" 1794 NH Joshua Lovejoy "Sergeant, Col James Frye's" "Wounded in his right foot and ankle, by two musket balls" "6/17/75, Bunker Hill" "Hopkinton, County of Washington" 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Josiah Walton "Private, Col James Reed's" "Wounded by a musket ball shot through his neck, just escaping the jugular vein, in consequence of which wound an abscess has formed in his back, which renders laborious employments very painful to him" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" New Ipswich 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Jotham Nute "Sergeant, 2d New Hampshire" "Wounded in his hip by a musket ball, in the upper part of his left thigh" "7/81, near Kingsbridge" Dover 0.50 "Enlisted 2/1/77 for three years, discharged 2/1/80" Evidence complete 1794 NH Levi Chudduck "Fifer, Col Prescott's" "Wounded in his left knee, by a musket ball" "10/14/76, Frog's Point " Bartlett 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Nathan Holt "Private, Col Stark's" Wounded by a musket ball passing through his right thigh "6/75, Bunker's Hill" Pembroke 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Nathaniel Leavitt "Corporal, Col James Reed's" "Wounded by a ball, which entered his breast" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Hampton 0.50 Militia 1794 NH Peter Johnson "Private, Col John Stark's" "Wounded by a musket ball, shot through his right arm" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Enfield 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Richard Colony "Private, 2d NH" "Wounded by a m usket ball passing through his right thigh; likewide in his hip by a small ball, which has not yet been extracted" "Sept 19, 77, Stillwater" New Durham 0.50 Enlisted 3/20/77 for three years; discharged 5/26/80 Evidence complete 1794 NH Robert B. Wilkins "Private, Col James Reed's" "Wounded by a musket ball, in the joint of his right elbow whereby he is deprived, in a great measure, of the use of his wrist and fingers" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Amherst 0.67 "Militia; received commutation, as leiutenant in the line" Evidence complete 1794 NH Samuel Morrell "Privaate, Col Reed's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entering his thigh, passed through, and came out near his groin" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Candia 0.40 Militia Evidence complete 1794 NH Samuel Potter "Sergeant, Col Cilley's; afterwards transferred to the corps of invalids" Wounded by a ball in his leg September 1777 Francistown 0.50 "Enlisted 11/15/76; joined invalids Oct 1, 78" 1794 NH Samuel Stocker "private, Col Isaac Wyman's" "A violent strain in his back, in consequence of carrying a plank, which subjects him to constant discharge of blood when fatigued" "1776, Mount Independence" "Hopkinton, County of Washington" 0.50 "mIlitia, enlisted 4/10/77 for three years; discharged 3/17/80" Evidence complete 1794 NH Seth Wyman "Private, Col James Frye's" Wounded by a musket ball passing through his thigh "6/17/75, Bunker HIll" Goffestown 0.25 Milita 1794 NH Stephen Fuller "Private, Col Benjamin Hawe's levies" Lost his right thumb 1777 Francistown 0.50 Militia 1794 NH Thomas Kimball "Private, 1st New Hampshire" "Wounded by a musket ball, in his right arm, in an action with some Indians" "1779, Shomung" Amherst 0.20 "Enlisted June 3, 78, for the war; on the rolls in 173" Evidence complete 1794 NH Thomas Pratt "Private, Col William Prescott's" "Received a wounded in his right arm by a musket ball, which fractured the bone" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Hollis 0.50 Militia "Evidence complete It appears, by the original return from the above State, that he received a pension of 15 shillings per month, from June 7, 83 to July 31, 85" 1794 NH Weymouth Wallace "Private, Col Stark's" Wounded in his right arm "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Epson 0.50 Militia 1794 NH William Cogswell Surgeon's mate in the military hospital "Received a fall in walking to the hospital, which has rendered him lame ever since" "1773, New Windsor" Atkinson 1794 NH William Lowell "Sergeant, Col James Frye's" "Wounded by a musket ball, shot through his body" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Warner 0.75 Militia 1794 NH Zadock Hurd "Private, Col Scammel's " Wounded by a ball passing through his left thigh "9/19/77, Behmus's Heights" Gilsum 0.33 "Sick in Albany, Sept 1777" Evidence complete 1794 NJ Daniel Barbyt "Private, Capt Morrell's company of 5 months' men" "Disabled when in the service of the United States, owing to his being taken prisoner at the battle of L. Island and thrown into a prison ship, where he continued some time, and from thence was conveyed to New York, and put into a church wiith a number of other prisoners, and was so ill treated that he was taken with a severe fit of sickness which continued for some months, which terminated in an ulcerated leg, and disables him from getting a living by his trade, which is that of a shoemaker" "1776, New York" Elizabethtown Full No rolls of the Jersey line in this office for 76 No evidence of known wounds received while in service 1794 NJ Elijah Knapp "Sergeant, Lieut. Col Gimet's regiment" "Wounded by a ball which passed through his right thigh and was in consequence of said wound taken prisoner by the enemy, and continued in their hands for some months; after which he joined the company again as an invalid" "7/81, Jamestown" "Bernard's town, c;y of Somerset" There are no milia rolls in the office Evidence complete 1794 NJ Isaac Bennet "Sergeant, 2d bat. NJ militia" "Wounded in a skirmish with the enemy by a musket ball, which lodged in his right arm just above the elbow, while he was on actual service with a detachment ordered to remove a boat from Rahway to Elizabethtown" "9/30/77, Rahway Creek" Somerset county 0.50 There are no milita rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 NJ Joel Phelps "Private, Capt S Hardy's company" "Wounded in the body doing duty at Wyoming, in Fort Jenkins; that, being ordered out on a scout under the command of a sergeant, when they returned the said Joel Phelps received the aforesaid wound of which he lay confined 18 days at Wyoming" "June 16, 1778, Fort Jenkins" "Hanover, Morris County" 0.50 Not to be found on the rolls Evidence imperfect. No evidence whatever of his leaving the service. 1794 NJ John Cooper "Private, Col E Martin's regiment" "Wounded in the head and in the thigh, in the county of Westchester, in the State of New York, in an action with the British army; of which wounds he lay some time in camp very ill" "10/76, Westchester county, NY" Morris County Enlisted 1/28/77; time in service unkown Evidence imperfect. No evidence whatever of his leaving the service. 1794 NJ John McComb "Private, 2d New Jersey regiment" "Lost the sight of the right eye by the smallpox, which he caught in the natural way in the summer of 77, when down on the lines near the place called the Short Hills; was removed to the hospital in Mendham; that he was transferred to the corps of invalids, where he continued to serve as an invalid until July, 83 when he was discharged the service by General Lincoln" "77, Short Hills" "Bernard's town, c;y of Somerset" "Enlisted 12/18/776, discharged in 10/77" "Evidence complete, provided this be considered as a wound received" 1794 NJ Powles Hopseker Private "When on an expedition at Staten Island in the year 1788 his feet and legs were frosted, and that some short time after, when under military orders at the White Plains, and in actual service, his feet and legs were again injured by the frost, and ever since that time he has suffered much from the effects" 1782 Staten Island Somerset county Full Not to be found on the rolls of the NJ line; supposed to have been a militia man Evidence complete 1794 NJ Thomas Carhart "Corporeal, Capt T Patterson's company of NJ line, 2d regiment" "Wounded by a ball in the knee, in a skirmish with the enemy at Elizabethtown Point, while in the line of his duty; that the said Carhart was taken prisoner at the same time, and continued so about three months" "7/21/78, Elizabethtown Point" "Fleminton, county of Hunterdon" "Enlsited 1/13/77, prisoner 8/23/76, discharged 6/1/79" Evidence complete 1794 NJ William Crane "Lieutenant, 4th New York regiment" "Disabled when in the service of the United States, owing to a wound he received in his left leg by the bursting of a shell at the siege of St John's, in Canada" "1775, St John's in Canada" Elizabethtown Full No rolls in this office for 1775 Evidence incomplete; decisive disability not being proved 1794 NY Abraham Blauvelt "Private, Lieut Colonel Cooper's Militia" "Wounded by a bayonet in his breast, and by a ball in his left thigh, and otherwise hurt, in an action with the enemy" "10/78, Orangetown" Orange County No rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 NY Allen Gilbert "Private, Col Sheldon's" "Wounded in divers places, viz: in the head, hand, and leg, but of no great consequence" "7/2/79, Poundridge" Otsego county "Enlisted 4/1/78, continued to the end" "Evidence complete except as to physicians' certificate, which certifies that he has lost the use of one finger; the other wounds of no consequence" 1794 NY Amos Camp "Private, Col Hale's New Hampshire" Wounded in the left arm and belly by a musket ball "9/19/77, Behmus's Heights" Columbia County "Enlisted 4/14/77, dischraged 5/1/80" Evidence complete 1794 NY Amos Miner "Orderly Sereant, Col C Burrall's" Wounded in his left arm by the accidental discharge of a musket of one of the men with whom he was ordered on particular duty "11/76, Mount Independence" Canaan There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 NY Charles Bishop "Private, General Herkimer" "Wounded in the left arm by buck shot, but of no great consequence" "8/77, Oriskie" Montgomery County There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: By the physicians' certificate this wound is of no consequence" 1794 NY Daniel Flannegan "Private, Col Dubois's" Wounded in the knee whilst quelling a riot in winter quarters "Dec 12, 1777 Newburgh" Warwick "Physicians do not designate disability. Enlisted Aug 28, 77, discharged Aug 28, 1780" "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No examination of physicians. 2d No evidence of his leaving the service" 1794 NY Donald McDonald Private Batteaumen "Wounded by a kick from a horse, in the service" Albany There are no returns of Batteaumen in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No examination by or of surgeons. 2d No evidence of his leaving the service. 3d The testimony of his continued disability is not sufficient" 1794 NY Duncan Campbell "Lieutenant, Colonel Livingston" Wounded in his right leg in an engagement with the British troops "Oct or Nov 1777, Behmus's Heights" New York Sick in Albany from 7/20/1777 to 2/1/1779 "Evidence Perfect, except that the degree of his disability is not precisely mentioned" 1794 NY Elijah Janes "Lieutenant, Col Sheldon's" "Wounded by a horseman's sword on the right wrist, greatly hindering the use of it" 11/20/80 Lansingburg Commissioned 11/16/79; has received the commutation which is not returned Evidence complete 1794 NY Ely Gladhill "Private, 2d New Jersey" Wounded through the left leg while in an engagement with the British "12/31/75, Quebec" New York There are no militia rolls in this office for 1775 Evidence complete 1794 NY Emanneul Waggerman "Private, Col Gansevoort's" Wounded through his left hip by the accidental dischrage of a musket "7/77, Mohawk river" Montgomery County "Enlisted 3/18/77, continued to the end" "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st Physicians certify the wound is of very little consequence. 2d As to a continuance of his disability for two years after he left the service." 1794 NY Evert Van Eps "Sergeant, Capt Fonda's militia" Wounded in the left leg in an engagement with the British and Indians "1777, Oriskee" Mohawk Militia "Evidence Perfect, except that the degree of his disability is not precisely mentioned" 1794 NY Findley Stewart "Prviate, Batteaumen's" "Wounded in the left shoulder, being fired upon by the enemy when landing" "8/77, Fort Stanwix" Greenbush There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomple, viz: No evidence when he left the service. 2d No deposition of freeholders to prove a continuance of disability after he left the service" 1794 NY Francis Courtney "Private, 1st NY" Lost his sight by hardships endured at Quebec "1/7/76, Quebec" "Montgomery, Ulster County" Enlisted 12/24/76 Evidence incomplete 1st no examination of surgeons; 2d no evidence of his leaving the service 1794 NY Francis Monty "Lieutenant, Col J. Livingston's" Wounded in his thigh by a musket ball in an action with the enemy "78, Rhode Island" Lake Champlain "Commissioned Nov 25, 75; deranged 1/1/81; received commutation, which is not returned" Evidence complete 1794 NY George Mour "Private, Col Vischar's" Wounded in both shoulders in an action with the Indians "8/7/77, Oriski" Mohawk Town Full There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 NY Gotlieb Nestle "Private, Col Vischer's" Wounded in hi eye by the oversetting of a baggage wagon on a march 1777 Palatine No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. "Evidence incomplete, viz: The only evidence produced is the reason why he did not apply before." 1794 NY Hachaliah Foster "Sergeant, Col Shepherd's Massachusetts" Wounded by a musket ball in his right hand which renders one finger useless "8/29/78, Rhode Island " Saratoga Enlisted 3/1/77 Evidence complete 1794 NY Hanhendrick Mayer "Lieutenant, Captain Henry, Dieffendorph's militia" Taken sick while on guard and continued ill for some years "1776, Stone Arabia" Connajoharrie Militia Evidence totally incomplete. The claimant not having been wounded; his case is not comprehended by the laws 1794 NY Henry Bouce "Private, Col Willett's" Wounded in the side in an engagement with the Indians "6/81, Tourlock" "Watervliet, Albany" This man is mustered in the York line Evidence complete 1794 NY Henry Bradt "Lieutenant, Col Coxe's" Two wounds received on his head and under his left eye "8/7/77, battle of Herkimer" "Cherry Valley, Otsego" "By supplementary evidence, physicians report no disability by reason of his wounds. There are no militia rolls in this office." Evidence complete 1794 NY Henry Carman "Ensign, Col S Drake's militia" "Wounded by a ball from a pistol that went off by accident; which ball entered the left part of his neck and lodged in his shoulder, where it still remains, and has caused his left arm to perish ***Against the claim of Henry Carman there have been transmitted to the War Office, by certain inhabitants of the county in which he resides, the affidavits of Col John Hyatt, Lt. Col. Gilbert Strange, Capt John Paulding, Ezekiel Hyatt, and Robert Land, setting forth that Carman received his wound in his own house, by the accidental discharge of a pistol which lay on a shelf by one of the part with whom the said Carman had been in pursuit of a cat." "11/3/80, Crumpond, now Yorktown" "Yorktown, West Chester County" Full No rolls in this regiment of this office Evidence complete 1794 NY Henry Crawford "Dragoon, Col Sheldon's" Wounded by a musket ball in the thigh in an action with the enemy "11/77, Mile square" Washington County "Enlisted 5/7/77, dischraged 5/1/80" Evidence complete 1794 NY Henry Shafer "Sergeant, Col Kooman's" Wounded in the thigh by a musket ball at an engagement with the British tories and Indians "5/30/78, Cobuskill" Cobuskill No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st Disability from known wounds not sufficiently proved. 2d The wound declared to be trifling by the surgeons. 3d No evdience of his leaving the service. 4th There are no depositions of freeholders to prove his continued disability" 1794 NY Henry Snagg "Private, General Knox's artillery" Wounded in his left leg by the dragrope of a field piece at the battle of Princeton "10/77, Princetown NJ" Orange County Not found on the rolls "Evidence incomplete. His disability is proved but by his own affidavit; the certificates, however, of Adj. General Campbell and Adj. Gen. Pickering specify his disability." 1794 NY Henry W Nellis "Private, Col J Klock's" "Wounded in the breast by accident, whilst acting as fugleman in exercising" 1776 Palatine No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. Evidence incomplete viz: The only evidence produced is the reason why he did not apply before 1794 NY Jacob Dieffendorph "Lieutenant, Capt Henry Dieffendorph" Wounded in his left food by the accidental discharge of a musket 1775 Connajoharrie Militia "Evidence Perfect, except that the degree of his disability is not precisely mentioned" 1794 NY Jacob Edegh "Private, Col Bellenger's" Wounded in the back by a tomahawk by the Indians "Sept 79, Thompson's Place" Schuyler Wound of no consequence. There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: Disability from known wounds not proved" 1794 NY James Cole "Sailor, Sloop Mechias Liberty" Wounded in the leg in an action with a British tender 6/75 Westfield Evidence complete - Persons of this description never had a pension entitled 1794 NY James Dole "Lieutenant, Col Sheldon's" Wounded in his hip by a gun shot "8/17/80, King-street, New York" Lansingburg "Enlist. 5/7/77, promoted to lieutenant. He has received the commutation, which is not returned" Evidence complete 1794 NY James Philips "Private, Col J Klock's" Wounded in the leg in a battle with the Indians under General Herkimer 8/6/77 Oriskie Watervliet No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. Evidence incomplete viz: 1st Surgeons prove the wound trifling. 2d No testimony of freeholders. 3d No evidence of dischrage. 1794 NY James See "Sergeant, Col James Harman" "Inflammation caused by hurting his left leg by a fall out of bed in a fit of delirium, when he had the smallpox, in captivity in the sugar house, New York" "1779, New York" "Mount Pleasant, West Chester" No rolls of this regiment of militia in the office Evidence incomplete; disability not proved to have been the effect of known wounds 1794 NY James Slater "Private, Col Brown's MA" "Wounded in the head and eye by a musket ball, which nearly deprives him of the use thereof, in an action with the Indians on the Mohawk" 10/ 1780 Canaan 0.50 No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. Evidence incomplete viz: No evidence of his leaving the service 1794 NY James Steel "Private, Col Dubois's " Wounded in the breast at the taking of Fort Montgomery "10/6/77, Fort Montgomery" Goshen Enlsited 12/2/76 for the war No evidence whatever 1794 NY Jared Palmer "Sergeant, 4th Counec. & Capt Barker's company" "Wounded by a musket ball, which passed through his right breast, and the joint of his right shoulder" "10/14/81, Yorktown" Pawlings Enlisted 10/80; was on the rolls in 1783 Evidence totally incomplete. The claimant not having been wounded; his case is not comprehended by the laws 1794 NY Joab Stafford "Captain, Col Simmons's" Wounded in his foot and nose in an action at Bennington "8/77, Bennington" Herkimer There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: No evidence of when he left the service" 1794 NY Johannes Schell "Private, Col Bellenger's" Wounded in his left side in an action with the Indians Oriskie Herkimer No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st The physicians declare that this wound is not injurious 2d No proof of his leaving the service, 3d The testimony of freeholders do not prove continuance of disability, but that he is able to labor" 1794 NY John Baisle "Private, Capt Hous's militia" Wounded in thirteen different places "5/30/81, Fort Hous" Connajoharrie Militia Evidence totally incomplete 1794 NY John Creamer "Private, Col S Clyde's" Wounded in his left hip "7/82, Fort Clyde" Connajorharrie "Physicians report ""somewhat disabled."" There are no militia rolls in this office" "Evidence incomplete - every document and evidence wanting, except the reason why he did not apply before" 1794 NY John Hawgerdon "Private, Col Vrooman's" "Wounded by a musket ball in the left hip, but not much injured." "6/10/80, near Delaware" Otsego county There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st As to a continuance of disability for two years after he left the service. 2d Physicians are of opinion the wonds are of little consequence." 1794 NY John M. Charlesworth "Sergeant, Colonel Van Cordtlandt's" Ulcer in his left knee from disease contracted in the service 1780 Connajorharrie Full "Physicians report ""somewhat disabled."" There are no militia rolls in this office" Evidence complete disability not proved to have arisen from known wounds 1794 NY John Malone Private Col Willett's "Had his feet frozen, and lost some of his toes" Feb-83 Connajorharrie This man appears on this regiment's rolls for 1793 "Evidence incomplete, viz: No proper evidence of this claim, except his reason why he did not apply before" 1794 NY John Miller "Private, Col Hawthorn's" Received several wounds in an action with the Indians at Minisink Jul-79 Warwick There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No examination of surgeons. 2d No evidence of his leaving the service. " 1794 NY John Rogers "Private, Col Meigs" "Wounded in his left leg by a musket ball, which passed through the same, and cut off one of the sinews" "11/79 Hackensack, New Jersey" Stephentown "Enlisted 2/27/77, for war; on the rolls in 1781" Evidence complete 1794 NY John Stevens "Private, Col T Clinton's" Lost the sight of one eye during the siege of Quebec "1775, Quebec " Ulster County No return of this regiment for 1775 No evidence whatever 1794 NY John Utler "Matross, Col Lamb's artillery" Lameness from a bruise or wound received when exercising a piece of ordnance "12/1782, West Point" West Chester County 0.75 Enlisted for the war; on the rolls in May 1783 "Evidence complete, except that the disability is proved but by one evidence" 1794 NY John Van Antwerp "Private, Col Vischer's" Wounded in his left heel in an action with some Indians "8/7/77, Oriskie" Mohawk Town There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st Physicians declare that his wound is not injurious. 2d Disability not proved to be the effect of known wounds. 3d No proof when he left the service. 4th No proof of a continuance of disability." 1794 NY John Vaughan "Sergeant, Capt Brooks" "Wounded by a ball, which passed through his body" "10/77, Behmus's Heights" "Hudson, county of Columbia" "Enlisted, 4/24/77; joined invalids 12/9/79 " "Evidence incomplete. No report of examining physicians to provie the degree of disability; the other evidences necessary to substantiate his claim are proved before two commissioners only, the law requiring three" 1794 NY John Whileber "Private, Col Morgan's" "Wounded in the right thigh by a musket ball, but of little consequence" "10/7/77, Behmus's Heights" Otsego county Not on the rolls of New York or Virginia Evidence incomplete. Physicians certify this wound is of very little consequence 1794 NY Jonas Belknap "Sergeant, Col J Brooks'" Wounded in the left side in an action with the Indians "5/30/78, Cobuskill" "Cherry Valley, Otsego" There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 NY Joseph Sheldon "Wounded in the leg at the battle of Connecticut farms, New Jersey" Connecticut farms New Cornwall Enlisted 5/30/77 for the war No evidence whatever 1794 NY Nathan Davis "Private, Col Gansevoort's" Wounded by accident in his leg by an axe whilst scoring timber "1778, Fort Stanwix" "New Galloway, Saratoga" "Enlisted Jan 1, 77, returned sick, and omitted Sept 1778" Evidence complete 1794 NY Obadiah Brown "Private, Col Notton's rangers" Wounded in his left arm "9/6/77, Harlem Heights" Cambridge Militia "Evidence incomplete. No report of examining physicians to provie the degree of disability; the other evidences necessary to substantiate his claim are proved before two commissioners only, the law requiring three" 1794 NY Peter Felter "Acted as a guide to that part of the army at the storming of Stony Point; and, in the execution of that business, received a wound in one of his legs, for which he claims a gratuity, compensation having been promised him by General Wayne; especially as the other guide employed in the same service, though not wounded, received a considerable gratuity" No evidence transmitted but Felter's own deposition 1794 NY Peter Shafer "Private, Col Kooman's" "Wounded in his left arm in an action with the Indians, tories, and British" "5/30/78, Cobuskill" Cobuskill No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st The physicians declare that this wound is not injurious 2d No proof of his leaving the service, 3d The testimony of freeholders do not prove continuance of disability, but that he is able to labor" 1794 NY Peter Wolleber "Sergeant, Major Copeman's militia" Wounded in the right thigh by a musket shot from a party of Indians 7/18/1981 Connajorharrie Palatine There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st Physicians declare that his wound is not injurious. 2d No proof when he left the service. 2d No evidence of freeholders to prove a continuance of disability after he left the service." 1794 NY Phineas Cox Private Ruptured in stretching a chain across the North River 10/76 Fort Montgomery Minisink Not found on the musters of the New York line Evidence incomplete 1st no examination of surgeons; 2d no evidence of his leaving the service 1794 NY Rudolph Cook "Captain, Col Klock's" "Loss of sight, occasioned by having an eye struck out in assisting some women to draw water out of a well at Stone Arabia ft." "7/80, Stone Arabia fort" There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete - every document and evidence wanting, except the reason why he did not apply before" 1794 NY Samuel Miller "Private, General McDougall" Had his leg mashed and broken in hauling a sleeper for a bridge building over Croton river by order of General McDougall Apr-79 "Mount Pleasant, West Chester" Full Militia; no rolls in the office Evidence complete 1794 NY Samuel Shaw "Lieutenant, Col Stephen J Schuyler's militia" "Received a violent bruise in his leg while assisting his men in erecting a bridge, occasioned by the sliding of a large log" 10/9/76 near Fort Ann Stephentown Militia "Evidence complete, excepting that no examination of physicians is produced to prove the degree of his disability" 1794 NY Shepherd Johnson "Private, Col McDougal's regiment" "Being on a scout in pursuit of a party of refugees, was wounded, and had his arm broken by a musket shot received from the enemy" "May 77, Bergen county, NJ" Orange County Militia. No rolls in the office "Evidence complete, except that he has been examined but by one physician, who certifies that he is not so far disabled as to prevent him from bodily labor" 1794 NY Simon Nicolls Private Col Nicholson's "Had his thigh broken by a baggage wagon going over him, on a march" Jun-76 Palatine Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. The same remark applies as above "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st The physicians prove his wound of no injury. 2d No evidence of his leaving the service. 3d No evidence of freeholders to prove continued disability" 1794 NY Stephen Powell "Private, Col Van Cortland" "Received an injury in his left shoulder, occasioned by a fall on a stump, which dislocated his shoulder" "Aptil 1782, Princeton, NJ" West Chester County Enlisted 1/1/77 for the war; on the rolls in 1782 Evidence complete 1794 NY Thomas Brooks "Private, Col Van Cortland" Wounded in his right knee by a musket ball received from the enemy "Sept 7, 77, Behmus' Heights" West Chester County Enlisted 1/2/77 for the war; on the rolls in 1782 Evidence complete 1794 NY William Chanpenois "Private, Col Thomas's militia" "Wounded by a ball in the forehead, received from a party of the enemy who lay in ambush, while on a march" "1781, King Street" West Chester County 0.75 No rolls in this office "Evidence complete, except that the disability is proved but by one evidence" 1794 NY William Reynolds "Private, volunteer" "Wounded at the taking of Fort Montgomery, and taken prisoner" 10.6.77 New Cornwall No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No examination of surgeons. 2d No evidence of his leaving the service. " 1794 NY William Scott "Captain, Col Cilley's New Hampshire" "It is stated that he has lost, in a great measure, the use of his left hand, by a wound received from a musket ball. NB Likewise wounded in the back by a bayonet, at or near North Castle, in the year 1778" "9/9/77, Behmus's Heights" "Greenfield, county of Saratoga" Wounded 9/20/77 received commutation as major "Evidence complete, excepting that no examination of physicians is produced to prove the degree of his disability" 1794 NY William Sloan "Sergeant, Col Herrick's" Wounded in five places whilst in an ambuscade "10/77, Skinesborough" Westfield No injury. Not injured so as to prevent him from laboring. There are no militia rolls in this office. Evidence complete excpet as to when he left the service. 1794 NY William Smith Scudder "Lost two fingers and the use of both of his hands by being frozen in a snow storm, when he went with his men to Long Island in a boat to take certain pieces of ordnance that had belonged to the enemy's shipping; which duty he was ordered on by General Putnam" 3/3/78 West Chester County Evidence complete 1794 NY Elisha Frizzle "Private, Col M Jackson's" Wounded in the shoulder in the action at Behmus's Heights 7-Oct-77 "Salem, in Washington" "Enlisted May 1, 77; invalided Feb 14, 1779; discharged Jan 1, 1780" Evidence complete 1794 NY Isaac Davis "Sergeant, Col Fisher's" Lameness from swelling and inflammation contracted in service Conewaga Full There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, vix: The evidences are wanting to prove this claim, except the reason why he did not apply before." 1794 NY John Garnet "Private, Artillery" Wounded and lost two fingers at the taking of Fort Montgomery Oct 6 77 Goshen This man continued to the end of the war "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No affidavits of his situation after 2d No evidence of his leaving the service 3d No affidavits of freeholders are wanting to prove his continued disability" 1794 PA Abraham Pyke "Private, Hewitt's infantry" "Wounded in an engagement with the Indians through his right thigh, which renders him a cripple" ", Brandywine" Luzerne 0.33 Not to be found on the rolls "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence, as required by law" 1794 PA Adam Koch "Private, 9th Pennsylvania regiment" "Wounded at the battle of Brandywine by a musket ball, in the face, which injured his hearing; likewise, when in actual service at West Point, was severely brused by a log of wood, which rolled over his brreast" "1777, Brandywine" Berks County "Enlisted, May 18 1777, for the war" "Evidence incompelte 1st as to his place of residence since he left the service, as required by law, 2d as to the nature of his disability, 3rd as to the time he left the service" 1794 PA "Adam Sybert, alias Syfat" "Private, Congress regiment" "Wounded in both his left by two musket balls, at the storming of one of Cornwallis's redoubts in Virginia, just before his capture" Virginia County of Philadelphia "This man is mustered in Hazen's regiment, but date of enlistment not known" Evidence complete 1794 PA Andrew Allen "Private, Marines" "Afflicted with a rupture when he received at the fort of New Providence, and while in the actual line of his duty in the service of the US, in dragging of a large cannon on the ground through the sallyport, said cannon, by a short turn, tolled over, and the drag-rope, taking him by the belly, so much hurt him that it has occasioned the said rupture" "11/75, ship called the Columbus" County of Berks 0.50 "Evidence incomplete as to witnesses to prove the continuance of his disability, and his place of residence since he left the service" 1794 PA Barney Murphy "Private, 9th and 5th Pennsylvania regiment" "Received a wound at the battle of Monmouth, on the elbow of his right army, from the splinter of the carriage of a piece of artillery; that the said wound disqualifies him in a great degree from labor, particularly that kind of labor, which requires the raising of the arm, such as chopping, threshing, &c" "6/28/78, battle of Monmouth" County of Dauphin 0.50 "Enlisted 4/8/78, time of discharge unknown" Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence since he left the service 1794 PA Caspar Kuhl "Private, Col Cook's" Rendered incapable of following his trade as a tailor owing to an injury he received in his hand while in the service of the United States Berks County There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, 1st as to the nature of his disability, 2d as to the place of residence since he left the service, 3d as to the time of his leaving the service" 1794 PA Charles McClane "Private, 3d Pennsylvania regiment" "Wounded in his left leg and thigh at the battle of Stony Point, by two musket ball" "7/16/79, Stony Point" County of Chester 0.50 "Enlisted 2/17/77, for the war" Evidence complete 1794 PA Charles McCormick "Private, 2d Pennslyvania regiment" "Wounded in his left leg by a musket ball, while in the actual line of duty, in an engagement at Germantown with the British army; he has had no established place of residence in any city, town, or county, but wandered about the country, having been employed as an express rider, etc" "10/4/77, Germantown" Full This man is mustered discharged in January "Complete, excepting as to the place of his residence, as required by law" 1794 PA Daniel Callahan "Private, 1st Pennsylvania regiment" "Wounded in the right arm , near the shoulder, by a musket ball, which so disabled him as to render him incapable of getting a living" "Green Springs, Virginia" Northumberland "Enlisted July 1, 76 for two years; discharged May 16, 1778" "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence since he left the service, as required by law" 1794 PA Daniel Forbes " Sergeant, 4th PA regiment of artillery" "Hurt by the oversetting of a six pound cannon, a field piece, whilst in the service, by which means he had his left arm broke, and his head much bruised by the accident" "5/18/1780, Short Hills, NJ" County of Philadelphia 0.50 "Corporeal, 8/21/77, promoted sergeant 1st of March, 1778" Complete 1794 PA David Alshouse Private 2d PA regiment "Disabled by a fall while in the service of the US, which fall was from one of the ramparts at West Point, and disables him in a great degree from getting a living by labor, which is his only means of support" "1780, West Point" Northampton county 0.33 Enlisted for war Evidence complete 1794 PA David Hickey "Private, Col Hartley's 16th additional" "Wounded in the head, collar, arm and throat, which renders him totally unable to obtain a livelihood by labor " "10/77, Paoli" Full Mustered in Sept 77 wounded in Sept 21 77 "Evidence incomplete - 1st as to his place of residence since he left the service as required by law, 2 no reason given why he did not apply on or before 12/11/88" 1794 PA Elias Utt "Private, Hewitt's rangers" "Wounded in his right breast by a musket ball, which came out under his shoulder blade, in an action with the savages" "10/78, Wyalusing hills" Northampton county No rolls in this office for Hewitt's rangers. Evidence complete 1794 PA Garret Oblenis "Private, Capt Johnson's company" "Received a shot from one of the enemy's boats then in the North river, which broke his arm and two of his ribs" "11/17/77, Bergen County, NJ" Orange County 0.50 No rolls of this company Evidence complete 1794 PA George Robinson "Sergeant, Congress regiment" "Wounded by an accidental fall in endeavoring to assist a sick soldier; which fall dislocated his left shoulder, and which from that time has not been reduced; that, some time in the latter part of the year 1777, he was discharged as unfit for duty; and that since his discharge he has had no established place of residence in any city, town or country, but wandered about the country begging charity for his support, being unable to follow any labor or employment whatever" "3/78, barracks at Lancaster" Full "Enlisted in 1/77, discharged 6/15/77" "Evidence incomplete, no evidence produced but a certificate from the physicians" 1794 PA Griffith Rees "Private, Capt Brooke's detachment of Pennsylvania militia" "Wounded in the body and on the head, in the month of Oct or Nov, 1777, in Chester county, near Darby; being attacked by the British, said Rees was left on the field supposed to be dead" "Oct or Nov 1777, Chester county" "Upper Merion, county of Montgomery" 0.50 There are no militia returns in this office "Evidence incomplete, as to the time of his leaving the service as he did not belong to the regular troops" 1794 PA Henry Tillien "Private, Capt O'Hara's independent company" "Wounded by a musket or rifle ball , which, passing through the joint of the right arm, produced a contussion which rendered the same stiff" No returns of this company in this office "Incomplete, as he cannot produce any evidence as to his place of residence since he left the service, nor the time when he left the service" 1794 PA Henry Weiss "Private, 2d Pennsylvania regiment" "Wounded in the right hand, and in one of his ribs, by a buck shot and bayonet; is also incapable of doing any labor, having a rupture which he received whilst in the service of the US; the said Henry Weiss was also materially injured by a log falling on him, while assisting to throw up a work to prevent an attack from the British army at White Marsh" 10/77 Germantown County of Berks 0.75 This man is mustered in this regiment enlisted for the war Incomplete as two witnesses to prove the continuation of his disability at the time of his making application 1794 PA Jacob Fox "Private, flying camp" "Was wounded at or near Cuckold's town, NJ in the right hand, the ball still remaining therein which disables him from following his trade of a weaver" "7/3/1977, Wyoming" 0.33 There are no milia rolls in the office "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence, as required by law" 1794 PA Jacob Shartel "Capt, Col Hartley's" "Wounded by a party of Indians, while on actual duty, by a musket ball, which passed through his right ear, which wound occasions a dizziness, and renders him incapable of following his business" "1778, Muncy creek" Berks Not to be found on the rolls "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence since he left the service, as required by law, also to what pension entitled" 1794 PA James Cooney "Private, Capt Twine's " "Wounded at the battle of Brandywine in the leg which renders him incapable of laboring, the only means he has to get a living" "9/11/77, Brandywine" Middleton Full "Enlisted in Nov 1776. for the war; deserted Dec 8, 77 " "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence since he left the service, as required by law, also to what pension entitled" 1794 PA James Pickering "1st Lieutenant, 5th company, 3d battalion, of the militia, Philadelphia" "Wounded in the head and in the left shoulder; that his head was fractured in two places, which occasioned three pieces to be taken out; the shoulder was in that situation, that the joint was severely wounded and laid open; he being debilitated by much bleeding, was taken prisoner, put on horse, supported, and so conducted to the city of Philadelphia by the British when they took possession of said city." "4/17/78 Bristol, County of Bucks" County of Philadelphia 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 PA Joachim J Brandt "Marine, Ship Columbus" "At the taking of New Providence, in moving a cannon, was struck by an iron bar and wounded in the lower part of the belly, which brought on a rupture, of which he has become an invalid" "3/76, New Providence" Philadelphia Full "Evidence incomplete at to the time of leaving the service; also as to his place of residence since he left the service, by means of his going to Europe in the year 1780 and did not return until 1791" 1794 PA John Browne "1st Lieutenant, marines" Wounded in his hip and the small of his back by a large chest giving way out of the wardroom "5/28/77, frigate called the Boston" County of Philadelphia 0.50 "Complete, except as to disability from known wounds and time when he left the service" 1794 PA John Cardiff "Private, Col Hartley's 16th additional" Has lost the use of his left arm by the bursting of a musket "7/78, Philadelphia" Full "In hospital, 2/79; omitted in the rolls 5/79 " Evidence complete 1794 PA John Cary "Private, Capt Spalding's" "Wounded in the right arm by a musket ball, which fractured the bone; and that he is not able to perform more than 3/4 of the labor he otherwise could have done, had he not met with this misfortune" "1778, when on command down the Susquehannah, from Wyoming" Luzerne 0.25 "Time of enlistment of this man is unknown, he was in the service in 1781" Evidence complete 1794 PA John Cavenaugh "Private, 7th PA regiment" "Wounded by a musket ball in the shoulder, while in the service of the US" "9/11/77, Brandywine" Managhan 0.33 "in hospital, 10/77" Evidence complete 1794 PA John Graaf "Private, Col Hampton's" "Wounded in the left leg with a musket ball, which disables him very much; and that he received said wounded while in the service of the United States" 9/17/77 Brandywine Bucks County 0.25 "There is one of the name of John Graaf in this; but there is a John Grove in this regiment who enlisted April 27, 77, and was transferred to the invalid in Aug 78" Evidence complete 1794 PA John Holloway "Private, 9th PA regiment" "Wounded in the eye by a stake which projected into the road, whilst on a march in the night to camp, of the use of which, together with the other eye, he is nearly deprived" 28277 Sunbury "Enlisted 4/13/77, discharge 8/3/77" "Evidence incomplete, disability not being proved to have arisen from known wounds" 1794 PA John Kerner "Private, Colonel Thompson's" "Wounded near Bunker's Hill, in the State of Massachusetts, while in the service of the United States; in consequences of which he lost two of his fingers" "1775, Bunkers Hill" There are no rolls in this office for 1775 "Evidence incomplete, 1st as to his place of residence since he left the service, 2d as to the time of his leaving the service, 3d as to what pension entitled. " 1794 PA John Kesler "Midshipman, Marines" "Deprived of the use of the middle finger of the left hand, in the actual line of duty in the service of the US" "1781, frigate called Alliance" Philadelphia 0.33 "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence, as required by law, by means of his following the sea for several years after he left the service" 1794 PA John McChesney "Private, Henrick's rifle company" Received a wound in his left leg at the storming of Quebec "12/31/75, Quebec" There are no rolls in this office for 76 "Evidence incomplete as to the time of service, also his place of residence, and in what degree disabled from obtaining a livelihood" 1794 PA John Niblach "Private, 1st Jersey regiment" "Wounded in the head in an action with the enemy at Rye, in the State of New York; by means of which wound he has lost the sight of an eye, and part of the skull bone, which has so far injured him as to prevent his supporting himself and family by manual labor" "10/20/76, Rye, State of NY" Northumberland Full This man does not appear on the rolls from 1/77; there are no rolls from 1776 Evidence complete 1794 PA John Stiller "Private, Capt Nathaniel Irish's company of artificers" "While in the line of his duty he received a wound, by which means he lost two of the fingers of his left hand; which wound rendered him incapable of being a soldier, or acting any longer as an artificer" Mar-80 County of Philadelphia 0.33 Enlisted 8/19/78; appears to have left service in 10/80 Evidence complete 1794 PA John Turner "Private, Col Noylan's dragoons, 4th regiment" Wounded in his arm and leg "6/77, near Brunswick" Philadelphia 0.33 Not found on the rolls "Evidence imperfect, viz: no evidence of the existence of his disability for the first two years, immediately after leaving the service, and to the present time, and of his mode of life, etc; no evidence why application was made prior to 12/11/88" 1794 PA John Wright "Sergeant, Col Lee's dragoons" "Wounded in the knee, when in a skirmish with the enemy, which disables him so much that he is not able to perform more than 1/2 the labor he otherwise could have done" Mifflin County 0.50 Enlisted 4/7/78 for the war "Evidence incomplete, 1st as to the time and place where he received said wound, as required yb law; 2d as to the time of his leaving the service " 1794 PA Jonathan Burwell "Private, Capt Robinson's company Pennyslvania rangers" "Wounded by a musket ball, which passed through his right arm, near the shoulder, coming out through the shoulder blad, then passing on the left elbow, fracturing the ends of the bones, and disables him one-half from getting a livelihood" "4/16/82, Bald Eagle" Luzerne 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 PA Joseph Burrows "Private, Col Cook's 12th regiment" Wounded by a musket ball in the elbow joint; on which account he was discharged at Valley Forge as being unfit for service "Short Hills, in Jersey" "Enlisted Nov 1, 176 for the war; joined the invalids in January 1778" Evidence complete 1794 PA Lawrence Hipple "Private, 4th battalion of Pennsylvania militia" "Wounded by a musket shot which passed through his body, in the fall of 77, in an engagement with a party of the British troops near the town of Derby, in Chester County" "1777, Derby, Chester county" "Pikeland, Chester county" 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete as to the time of his leaving the service, as he did not belong to any regular troops, but the usual tour of duty was two months" 1794 PA Michael Orner "Private, 9th PA regiment" "Wounded in the service of the United States, in the actual line of duty, being on the bullock guard, the day previous to the Augusta, an armed ship of war in the service of Great Britain, was blwn up in the river Delaware; he made a slip with his foot by which he fell, and one of the wagons in the service of the US went over him by which his hip was put out of its place, and was otherwise much injured. " County of Philadelphia 0.25 "Enlisted 7/11/77, mustered unfit for service 3/78" "Evidence incomplete, no proof when he left the service" 1794 PA Nathaniel Cook "Sergeant, Col Bradley's" "Wounded by a musket or rifle ball through the back part of the arm, near the shoulder, wounding the muscles, and entering his side, which has produced a disability so as to render him incapable of performing more than 5/6th of the labor he otherwise could have done" "August, Chemung" Luzerne 0.17 "Enlisted Jan 1, 77, discharged Jan 11, 1780" Evidence complete 1794 PA Oswald Kesselbach "Private, Pelaski's legion" "Wounded in action with a part of the British troops in the year 1778, with three bayonet wounds in his private parts, and five in his back; that he was then put into the military hospital at Trenton, and afterwards discharged by his commanding officer as unfit for futy; that he then entered into the corps of artillery artificers of Pennsylvania, in which he served four years two months and seven days, and until the end of the war, and was discharged by Brigadier GEneral R. Hampton on 10/31/1783" "1778, Little Egg Harbor" County of Philadelphia 0.50 Discharged 3/15/79 Evidence complete 1794 PA Richard Stack "Fife-major, 7th Pennsylvania" "Received thirteen bayonet wounds at the time the American troops, under General Wayne, were surprised by the enemy at Paoli" "9/77, Paoli" Philadelphia 0.50 Enlsited 11/20/76 for war; wounded 9/77 "Evidence imperfect; the evidence of his being disabled in service, and of its continuance, not being taken before the District Judge, as is required by law, but before Justices of the Peace" 1794 PA Robert Conolly "Quartermaster's sergeat, Col McDougall's" Lost his eyesight by a cartridge and camp fever "1775, at the storming of Quebec" 0.67 No rolls in this office "Evidence appears to be complete according to law. Two reports, however, of the Secretary of War upon this case, specially, are opposed to the claim, and are hereunto annexed" 1794 PA Robert McCullough Private "Wounded in an action with the savages in his left arm, at Shamungo, in the Western territory, also wounded in the left leg at the battle of Germantown" Shamungo and Germantown York county 0.33 Does not appear on the PA musters Evidence complete 1794 PA Robert McGee "Lieutenant, Rifle battalion of militia of Philadelphia" "Wounded in the neck and right shoulder, while in the actual line of duty, in an engagement with a detachment of the British army, at Millstone, in New Jersey" "1/20/77, Millstone" County of Philadelphia 0.75 There are no militia returns in this office "Evidence complete, except as to the time of his leaving the service, as he did not belong to the regular troops" 1794 PA Robert Moscat "Rough rider, 1st troop of Philadelphia lt. horse" "Wounded by a fall from his horse; the horse fell upon him, and afterwards kicked him in such a manner as to disabled him from doing any business of a laborious kind." "1/13/77, Morristown" County of Philadelphia 0.50 There are no militia returns in this office "Incomplete, no proof when he left the service, as he did not belong to any regular troops" 1794 PA Samuel Lindsay "Lieutenant, Col T Bull's battalion of flying camp" "Wounded in the head with the stroke of the butt of a musket, when the British army attacked and captured Fort Washington, in the State of New York, by which means he has lost his left eye, the effect of which has also nearly deprived him of the sight of the other eye; that also, at the same time, he was wounded by the enemy in his right leg by a musket ball, in the actual line of his duty, in the service of the US" "11/16/76, Fort Washington, New York State" "Nether Providence, Delaware County" 0.75 This office was in the flying camp and a prisoner "Evidence incomplete as to the time of his leaving the service, but the time for which these troops were enlisted was 4-5 months" 1794 PA Samuel Makins "Mate, ship Queen of France" "Wounded when taking an anchor from the wharf to carry on board said ship, by means of his leg being caught between the anchor and wharf, which fractured the bone, and was very near depriving him of the use of that leg" "10/9/79, Boston" Philadelphia 0.25 Evidence complete 1794 PA Thaddeus Williams "Priate, Col Butlers" "Wounded by a musket ball, which passed through the armpit and in a great measure deprives him from the use of his arm" 3/23/79 Wyoming Luzerne 0.25 Not on the rolls in this office Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence since 1790 1794 PA Thomas Johnson 2d lieutenant Col Cunningham's flying camp "Wounded by a musket ball in the thigh, which disabled him as much as 1/4 from obtaining a livelihood by labor" "8/76, Flatbush, Long Island" Manghan 0.25 There are no militia rolls in this office "Evidence incomplete, as to the time of his leaving the service" 1794 PA Thomas McFall "Private, 5th regiment" "At the capture of Fort Washington was wounded in the left leg by a musket ball, and taken prisoner, and after 18weeks captivity was dismissed on parole, his wound yet remains open, and deprives him of support by labor" Fort Washington 0.50 Not to be found on the rolls "Evidence incomplete as to the place of residence since he left service, as required by law." 1794 PA Thomas Park Corporal Col Wylly's "Wounded by a ball which entered the groin and passed through the left hip or buttock, by a party of Indians, against whom the milita to which he belonged were ordered to scout" "3/29/80, Huntington" Luzerne county 0.50 "Enlisted 1/15/77 for 3 years, discharged 1/15/80" "Evidence incomplete as to his place of residence since he left the service, as required by law" 1794 PA William Dunton "Sailingmaster, marines" Wounded in the left arm in an action between the Hyder Ally and the British ship of war the Monk "4/8/1782, Hyder Ally" County of Philadelphia 0.50 Incomplete; no proof when he left the service. No pension stipulated to persona of this description 1794 PA William Hebron "Sergeant, 3d New York regiment" "Hurt by a branch of a crooked tree,on the brink of Hudson river, on his passage from West Point to Dobb's ferry in the State of New York; which branch struck the eye of said Hebron, after which he lost the sight thereof and became blind" Hudson's River County of Philadelphia Full "Enlisted 5/10/77, continued to the end of the war" "Evdience incomplete; no evidence to prove disability from known wounds, nor where he has resided since he left the service, as required by law" 1794 PA William Love Quartermaster-sergeant 2d Jersey regiment "Received a rupture at the battle of Monmouth, while in the actual line of duty" Monmouth "Enlisted 3/22/77, discharged 6/3/79" "Evidence incomplete from disability of known wounds whilst in the service, 2d as to his place of residence for first two years after he left the service" 1794 PA William McHatton "1st Lieut. 12th Pennsylvania, Col W Cook's" Wounded in his right shoulder by a musket ball and three buck shot "1777, Bonhamtown" "Nelson county, Kentucky" Full "Joined invalids July 1, 1779; received commutation" Evidence complete 1794 RI Benjamin Fowler "Private, Rhode Island regiment" "Had the misfortune to lose one of his eyes by the small pox while in the service of the United States, and under the command of Colonel Benedit Arnold, at Quebec; that since the war he has had one leg amputated, which has reduced him to great want and distress, having for several years subsisted on charitable contributions, being unable to obtain a livelihood by labor" 1775 Providence "Benjamin Fowler, of Col Angel's regiment, enlisted 3/15/77 and continued to the end of the war" "Evidence no complete; no evidence of any freeholder; no examination of surgeons. These are accounted for under the hand of Henry Marchant, District Judge, by declaring that Benjamin Fowler's loss of an eye and a leg render a surgeon's certificate unnecessary; and that the said Fowler was not able to obtain any certficiates from reputable freeholders on account of his wandering and unsettled life. Smallpox is the known cause of the loss of his eye and not a wound." 1794 RI George Popple "Sergeant, 1st Rhose Island battalion" "Wounded in his right thigh by a ball which he received in an engagement with the Hessian troops, while in the service of the US" "11/22/77, Red Bank" "Hopkinton, County of Washington" 0.13 "George Popple, sergeant of Col Green's regiment, enlisted May 1, 77, and was discharged 4/1/80" Evidence not complete; no evidence or reason why he did not apply before 1794 RI Job Snell Private Col William's Richmond regiment "Wounded while in the service of the United States by the loss of the index finger of his right hand, occasioned by long and extreme exertion in rowing a boat when removing the regiment from Newport to New Haven, as rendered the amputation, first of one finger, afterwards of a portion of the hand, absolutely necessary for the preservation of life" "76, Sound" Little Compton 0.25 There is no evidence in this office whatever to ascertain the services of this man Evidence not complete; no evidence or reason why he did not apply before 1794 RI Jonathan Davenport Private Col Thomas Church's regiment "Hurt in the service of the US while throwing up works near Penny Ferry, near Charlestown; that in passing and repassing with handbarrows, the end of the handbarrow struck the rim of his belly, which has occasioned an inguinal rupture" "75, Penny Ferry near Charlestown" "Portsmouth, county of Newport" There is no evidence in this office whatever to ascertain the service of this man "Evidence, not perfect, no reason or evidence why he did not apply before" 1794 RI Samuel Blevin Deputy Forage-master of Col C Green's brigade "Hurt by a fall from a horse while in the actual line of duty, in the service of the United States" "4/79, East Greenwich" Westerly 0.50 There are no returns of the Forage Dept in this office "Evidence not complete 1st disability from known wounds not proven; 2d no evidence of his being in service, and in the line of duty, at the time alleged; 3d no evidence of his having left the service; 4th no evidence why he did not apply before. This description of persons never promised a pension." 1794 SC John Benton Private "Wounded in the battle which was fought at the Eutaw Springs, in the state of South Carolina, in the year 1781; at the time he received the wound he was in the actual line of duty, in the service of the US" "1781, Eutaw Springs" County of Wake "Enlisted in 1781, discharged 2/17/82" Evidence perfect 1794 SC Richard Richardson "Private, 2d regiment of SC" "Wounded by a musket ball, which went through his breast, at the same time when General Provost marched on Charleston neck, in the year 1779, which would has disabled him from getting a livelihood by labor" "1779, Drawgates, Charleston" Neighborhood of Charleston Full "Enlisted 11/20/75, the time in service unknwon" "Evidence not perfect 1st No evidence of his being in the service, and in the line of duty at the time alleged; 2d No evidence of his leaving the service" 1794 SC William Sawyers "Dragoon, 3d regiment of light dragoons" "Badly wounded in his bead, and three places in his right shoulder, and besides he lost both his thumbs, which altogether prevent him from procuring a livelihood by labor" "9/8/81, Eutaw Springs" Beaufort district Full There are no rolls in this office of the 3d regiment light dragoons for 1781 1794 VA Bryant Sloan "Private, 8th VA regiment" Wounded by a ball in his left hand in an action with the enemy "6/38/76, Sullivan's Island" "Enlisted 1/31/76 for two years, not on the rolls in Nov 77" Evidence imperfect: 1st The depositions do not prove the continuance of disability after he quitted the service. 2d No evidence or reason why he did not apply before 1794 VT Elijah Bennett "Private, Colonel Israel Putnam's" Wounded in his right arm by a musket ball "6/17/75, Bunker Hill" "Orwill, county of Rutland" 0.50 Milita "Evidence Complete, excepting why he did not apply prior to 12/11/88" 1794 VT Elisha Reynolds "Private, Col Dyer's militia" Wounded by a musket ball in his left arm "8/5/77, Kingston" Alburgh 0.50 There are no militia rolls in this office Evidence complete 1794 VT Gershom Clark Private Col Putnam's Wounded in the body at the battle of Bunker's Hill "6/75, Bunker's Hill" 0.50 No rolls for 76 Evidence complete 1794 VT John Stark "Captain, Col Timothy Brownson" Wounded by a musket ball shot through his right thigh "8/16/77, Benington" "Pawlett, county of Rutland" 0.25 Militia Evidence Complete 1794 VT John Wheeler "Private, Col L Butler" "Is afflected with the palsy, occasioned by being greatly fatigued in drawing cannon in VA" 29860 Tinmouth Full "Evidence complete as to the object stated, but not within the laws, not having been wounded" 1794 VT Jonathan Haynes "Private, Colonel Moses Robinson's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered and passed through his body" "7/16/77, Benington" Middletown 0.67 "Militia, no rolls in this office" Evidence complete 1794 VT Stephen Barnum "Sergeant, 7th CT" "Fistula in ano, occasioned by straining and excessive exertions and from being overheated, at the battle of Monmouth" "1778, Monmouth" Monckton 0.50 "Enlisted 4/21/77, discharged 4/5/81" "Evidence complete, except disability from known wounds not proved and therefore not entitled by law" 1795 CT Benjamin Sturges "Private, Capt Woodhull's Company, commissioned to command three whale boats" "Wounded by a bayonet, thrust into his left side, while attempting to grapple one of the enemy's boats in Long Island Sound" "12/7/82, Long Island South" Fairfield 0.17 Evidence complete 1795 CT David Barnes "Private, Col Livingston's" "Lost his right eye, occasioned by the bursting of a musket belonging to a soldier who stood at his right hand as he fired at the enemy" "1777, Behmus's Heights" Cheshire 0.50 "Enlisted 7/1/77, for the war; on the rolls in 1781" "Evidence complete, excepting that his disability from known wounds is not proved" 1795 CT David Blackman "Private, Jabez Fitch's company of independent volunteers" "Wounded by a lance, or spear, while attempting to board an eight gun sloop" "Oct 1782, Long Island Sound" Huntingdon 0.67 "No muster-rolls in this office, of this independent company" "Evidence complete, excepting when or how he left the service" 1795 CT Ebenezer Patchen "Private, 5th CT Col Isaac Sherman's" "Lost his left eye, and the sight of the other much impaired, by a sickness contracted in the service" 1782 Norwalk 0.50 "Enlisted May 1780, on the rolls in 1783" "Evidence complete, as to the object stated, excepting that the examining physicians do not report upon oath. Note as the disability of the claimant does not proceed from any known wound, his case is not comprehended by the laws." 1795 CT Elisha Clark "Artificer, Boilstone's company of artificers" "A severe cut of his foot, by an axe with which he was at work in making baggage wagons" "77, Springfield" Southington 0.25 Evidence complete 1795 CT Elnathan Norton "Private, 10th CT militia" "Wounded by a musket ball passing through his body, which occasionally causes a delirium" "July 79, New Haven" Southington 0.75 Militia Evidence complete 1795 CT "Enoch Turner, Jun" Private Col Cook's CT militia "Wounded by a musket ball, which fractured the bones of his left leg" "Sept 19, 77, Behmus's Heights" New Haven 0.67 Militia Evidence complete 1795 CT Enos Blacksley "Private, 4th CT, Col Webb's" "Wounded in his back by the bayonet of a fellow soldier, who, while behind him, fell, having his bayonet fixed" "Mar 20, 76, near Providence" North Haven Full Enlisted 6/5/77 for the war; in hospital; discharged in 1783 Evidence complete 1795 CT Isaac Richards "Private, 9th CT militia" "Wounded by a musket ball in his left leg, whereby he is subjected to pain and cramp in that limb" "4/27/77, Ridgefield" Norwalk 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1795 CT Jedidiah Brown "Sergeant, 9th CT militia" "Has, in a great measure, lost the use of his right hand, by the bursting of his musket" Feb 79 while marching to Greenwich Norwalk 0.25 Militia "Evidence complete, excepting that the deposition of the examining physicians is not upon oath, and that the other evidences are taken before two commissioners, instead of three, as required by law" 1795 CT John Downs "Orderly-sergeant, Col Samuel B Webb's" "Spits blood frequently, and has ulcerated lungs, in consequence of a strain by drawing of cannon, and of a violent shock he sustained by falling or leaping over a redoubt" Yorktown Huntingdon "Enlisted Aug 1780, on the rolls in 82" "Evidence complete, excepting that the examining physicians do not precisely state the degree of his disability" 1795 CT Joseph Otis "Private, Col Zebulon Butler's; afterwards transferred to Col webb's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered, and remains lodged in his thigh" "Feb 81, Morrisiana" Bransford 0.50 Enlisted 1/1/77 for the war; on the rolls in 1780 "Evidence incomplete; viz: No evidence to prove his being wounded, while in the actual line of duty" 1795 CT Josiah Merriman "Corporeal, 2d regiment light dragoons, Capt Porter's company" "Wounded in his right leg by the accidental discharge of his pistol in the holster. Note: The claimant was likewise wounded in the month of Oct 77 at Frankfort, by a musket ball in his right arm, and his hand severely cut with a broadsword" June 77 on his march to Morristown Wallingford 0.67 "Enlisted Dec 26, 76 for the war on the rolls in 1781" Evidence complete 1795 CT Josiah Spalding "Lieutenant, Col Smith's militia" "Wounded by means of a cannon ball, which, passing through a stone wall near which he was stationed, forced a stone against the calf of his leg, and much injured his knee and tendons" "8/29/78, Rhode Island " Ashford 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1795 CT Samuel Andrus "Corporeal, Gen Woolcot's brigade of militia" "Wounded in his wrist, by the accidental discharge of the gun of his father, while on their march; in consequence of which wound he was under the necessity of having his arm amputated" "Oct 21, 77, State of New York" Southington 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1795 CT Samuel Whiting Col Militia "Caught cold by wading a river, when heated by marching, and exhausted by fatigue; the consequence of which was an obstruction of the urinary passage, and an inflammation of his right eye, which terminated in the entire loss of it" "77, Norwalk" Stratford 0.17 Militia "Evidence complete, as to the object stated, but the claimant not having been wounded, his case does not come within reach of the laws" 1795 CT Thomas Hobby "Major, Col Waterbury's" "Wounded in his hip by a musket ball, in the upper part of his left thigh" "1775, Lake Champlain" Greenwich Militia "Evidence complete, excepting that the examining physicians do not precisely state the degree of his disability, only giving it as their opinion that he ought to receive half-pay at least. It appears that the claimant is seventy-one years of age" 1795 CT Thurston Hilliard "Private, company of artillery artificers" "Wounded, while in the entrenchments at Yorktown, by a piece of timber thrown on his breast" Yorktown Weston 0.33 "Enlisted March 78, for the war; on the rolls in 1782" "Evidence complete, excepting that the certificate of the examining physicians is not upon oath" 1795 MA Amasa Scott "Private, Col Holman's" Wounded by a musket ball in his right leg "10/76, White Plains" Belcher's Town 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1795 MA Amos Pearson "Sergeant, Col Little's 12th MA" Wounded in his right arm by a musket ball "June 17, 1775, Bunker's Hill" Newbury 0.20 Militia Evidence complete 1795 MA Benjamin Farnum "Captain, Col Frye's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which fractured and considerably injured his left leg; likewise wounded by a ball, which remains lodged in his right thigh; in consequence of which both legs are ulcerated" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Andover 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1795 MA Eliphalet Downer "Surgeon, Dolphin Cutter, Captain Nicholson" "The strength and motions of his left arm impaired, in consequence of a wound by a grape shot" "9/77 on board the brig Lexington, in an action with the Alert cutter, in the English Channel" Roxbury 0.33 "Entered on board the Dolphin in April 77, but the roll does not show how long he served. He is entered on the Lexington roll as a passenger only." "Evidence complete, excepting that no proof that he was wounded at all, in any other character than that of passenger. No cause is shown why application was not made prior to Dec 11, 1788. It appears from the deposition of Nathan Dorsey, surgeon of the continental armed brig Lexington, that E. Downer was a volunteer on board that vessel when he received his wound; hence, it would seem that, whatever pension shall be allowed to him, it can apply only to the capacity in which he was then serving, and not to his profession as a surgeon" 1795 MA Elisha Munsell "Private, Col Marshall's; Capt Smith's company" "Wounded by a ball, which passed through his left wrist" "Jul or Aug 77, Saratoga" Pelham 0.50 Enlisted 1/2/77 for three years; on the rolls in 1780 Evidence complete 1795 MA Ephraim Bailey "Private, Col Nixon's" Wounded by a musket ball passing through his right ankle "4/28/77, Crump's Hill" Brookfield 0.50 Enlisted 3/10/77; on the rolls in 1780 Evidence complete 1795 MA Gamaliel Handy "Private, Col Jacob's; J. Haskins's company" Wounded in his breast and back with a bayonet "August 1778, Rhode Island" 0.67 Militia "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No evidnece of three freeholders to ascertain his mode of life, labor, means of support, &c, and of the existence of his disability for the first two years immediately after leaving the service; 2d, The evidence of witnesses produced does not clearly prove the continuance of his disability, from the expiration of the first two years after leavin gthe service to the time of his application" 1795 MA Hugh Maxwell "Captain, Col Prescott's" Wounded by a musket ball in his right shoulder "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Heath 0.13 "Militia, received his commutation as lieutenant-colonel" Evidence complete 1795 MA Isaac Bellows "Private, Col Nixon's 6th MA" "Sprained his hip, by slipping on some timber while fording a creek; his disability increased by the hardships he endured afterwards, in sleeping for several successive nights with damp clothes on" "10/12/77, Schuyler's Creek" Hubbardston 0.67 "Enlisted 3/21/77, for three years; discharged 3/27/80" "Evidence complete, as to the object stated, but as his disability is not proved to be the effect of known wounds, his case is not within reach of the laws" 1795 MA James White "Private, Col Putnam's, Capt Gates's company" "Has an ulcerated sore on his right leg, the effect of the smallpox when in service" "June, 77" Hardwich 0.75 "Enlisted 4/12/1777, for three years; discharged 4/12/80" "Evidence complete, as to the object stated, but the case of the claimant is not comprehended by the laws, as his disability does not proceed from any known wound" 1795 MA John Bailey "Private, Col Porter's 3d MA" "Lost the sight of his left eye, and that of the other considerably weakened, occasioned by the smallpox while in service" "Apr 1776, Quebec" Greenwich 0.50 Militia "Evidence complete, as to the object stated; but, as the disability of the claimant does not proceed from known wounds, his case is not comprehended by the laws" 1795 MA "John Hunter, 2d" "Private, Col Learned's" "Has ulcerated sores on his left leg, occasioned by a fever when in service" "Sept 75, Roxbury" Brookfield 0.75 Militia "Evidence complete, as to the object stated, but the case of the claimant is not comprehended by the laws, as his disability does not proceed from any known wound" 1795 MA Joseph Hale "Private, Col Lee's; Capt Lyman's company" Wounded by a musket ball passing through his right arm "8/29/78, Newport Rhode Island" Hardwich 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1795 MA Nahum Wright "Sergeant, Col Brewster's" "Has an ulcerous sore in his right leg, the effects of a wound received by a ball in his thigh" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Medfield 0.13 "Militia, appointed 11/6/76, resigned 10/28/77" "Evidence complete Note: The physicians reports, that they cannot positively ascertain whether ""the diseased state of the leg is direct and necessary consequence of the wound.""" 1795 MA Robert Smith "Private, Col Nicholas's" "Has an ulcerated sore on his left leg, occasioned by a wound received from a piece of timber, which he was employed in drawing for the use of public works" "3/80, West Point " Barre 0.67 Militia Evidence complete 1795 MA Spafford Ames "Private, Col Frye's; Capt Farnum's company" "Wounded by a ball, which passed on the outside of his right thigh; two of his fingers are also injured by a ball" "6/17/75, Bunker's Hill" Andover Militia "Evidence complete, but the examining physicians report, that the general ability of the claimant to obtain a livelihood by labor does not appear to be essentially impaired by either or both wounds" 1795 MA Thomas Alexander Captain "Dislocated his right hip by a fall, while engaged in the service of the US **It appears that the claimant received half-pay as captain from the State of MA, from the 1st Jan 1778, to the 11th Feb 1783, on which day his pension was discontinued by a resolve of the commonwealth. By a resolve of Feb 8, 1792, of the commonweath of the above state, it is delcared to be the opinion of that court that Thomas Alexander ought again to be placed upon the pension list, as it appeared to them that, on principles of that equity which has been extended to invalids, he ought never to have been struck off" "Jan 77, between Peekshill and King's ferry" Northfield "Evidence complete, excepting that in the deposition of the examining physicians, the degree of his disability is not stated" 1795 MA Thomas Crowell "Private, Col Holman's, Capt Warner's company" "Wounded by a musket ball passing through his right foot; has ever since been deprived on his reason, which, in the opinion of the examining physicians, is the effect produced by said wound" "10/28/76, White Plains" Hardwich Full Militia "Evidence complete, excepting why application for a pension was not made on or before 12/11/88" 1795 MA Tilly Mead "Private, Abner Craft's company" "Wounded in his right knee, by the stroke of an axe" "1775, Cambridge" Barre 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1795 MA William Warren "Lieutenant, Col Nixon's" "Wounded by the bursting of a shell, and in consequence of the shock, is subject to ulcerations in his head, which have discharged at his ears, depriving him of the use of his eyes, and greatly debilitating his whole body, some part of every year since 1776" "June 17, 75, Bunker's Hill" Boston 0.33 Militia "Evidence complete. Note: The examining physicians, in their report, say that William Warren's complaints do not offer to examination any demosntration of their proceeding from the wound said to be received, though they would be the probably consequence of a concussion of the brain by the bursting of a shell, hence, it appears to them that every thing depends on the relation of Mr Warren, and they fix his degree of disability accordingly" 1795 NY Jeremiah Everett "Mariner, frigate Confederacy" Had his right leg fractured by the carriage wheel of a cannon "1779, on the river Delaware, near Chester" Hudson 0.50 "Served from Feb 22 to Aug 20 1779, when he was discharged" Evidence complete 1795 NY Stephen Kellogg "Private, 3d CT" "Wounded in his left leg, by an accidental stroke of an axe" "1781, near West Point" Whitestown "Enlisted Apr 22, 77 for the war; discharged Jan 5, 1783" "Evidence complete, excepting that the claimant has not been examined by physicians to prove the nature and degree of his disability" 1795 NY William P Fox "Broke his left thigh, by the oversetting of a sleigh, while employed in carrying flour to Fort Schuyler" 1777 "Evidence totally incomplete, excepting that the deposition of two witnesses is produced to prove the accident" 1795 NY Asa Virgill "Corporal, 4th MA " "Has frequent attacks of dizziness, and patrial blindness, in consequence of a wound in his head by a musket ball" "Aug or Sept 78, Newport Island" Hillsdale 0.25 "Enlisted 2/1/77 for the war, on the rolls in 1780" Evidence complete 1795 NY John McKinstrey "Captain, Col Patterson's" "Wounded in his left leg and thigh by musket balls; and after being made a prisoner by the Indians, received two other wounds in his belly" Canada Livingston 0.33 Militia No evidence produced in support of his claim but that of the examining physicians 1795 NY Thomas Ward "Corporeal, Col Narrison's, 1st regiment of artillery" Wounded in his leg by a bayonet 7/16/79 Stony Point Mamakating Enlisted 7/6/77 "Evidence complete, excepting that the examining physicians do not precisely state the degree of his disability" 1795 RI Clark Albro "Private, Col John Wait's Kingston Reds" His left arm weakened by a wound received from a musket ball "August, 1778, Newport, RI" Newport 0.25 Militia Evidence complete 1795 RI Edward Vose "Segeant, light corps raised in R Island" "Wounded by the stroke of an oar, from a prisoner who was attempting to make his escape" "Aug or Sept 79, near Pawtuxet" Newport 0.17 Militia Evidence complete 1795 RI "John Baggs, Jun" "Sergeant, Col Dyer's militia" "Wounded in his right hand by the bursting of his musket, which he was discharing for the purpose of cleaning it" "Sept 29, 77, Boston Neck" Richmond 0.33 Militia Evidence complete 1795 RI Nathan Jaquays "Private, Col Olney's" "Wounded by a musket ball, which entered his breast, and came out near his left scapula" "July 81, near Kingsbridge" South Kingston 0.33 "Enlisted 7/5/80, on the rolls in 82" Evidence complete 1795 RI Robert Cars "Private, Col Olney's" "Wounded by a musket ball, passing through the upper jaw and coming out of his mouth, which occasions a difficulty in chewing, and a constant discharge of saliva from the outside of his cheek" "July 2, 1781, near Kingsbridge" Providence 0.50 "Enlisted Aug 10, 1780, on the rolls in 1782" Evidence complete 1795 RI William Lunt "Private, Col Topham's" Wounded in his head and arm by the explosion of a gun before he had finished loading it "May 79, South Kingston" South Kingston 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1795 VT Amos Snow "Private, Col Cilley's Ist NH" "Deaf, and worn out in service" Claremont "Enlisted Dec 28, 78; discharged in 1782" "The claimant not having been wounded, his case is not comprehended by the laws" 1795 VT Benjamin Marvin "Captain, Col Livingston's" "Is subject to various complaints of the chronic kind, occasioned by the fatigue he endured in an action against General Burgoyne" "1777, Behmus's Heights" Alburgh 0.75 "His disability not arising from any known wound, his case is not comprehended by the laws" 1795 VT Benjamin Tower "Private, Col Bayley's; Capt Jacob's company" Wounded by a ball passing through his right thigh "Sept 17. 76, Harlem Heights" Westminster 0.67 Militia Evidence incomplete; viz: 1st the deposition of three freeholders adduced ascertain a knowledge of the claimant from the year 1783 only; 2d No evidence when he left the service 1795 VT Daniel Simonds "Lieutenant, 5th MA" "Has a scorbutic humor in his left leg, occasioned by an accidental contusion while in service" Marlborough 0.33 "Evidence incomplete; viz: 1st, No evidence of his disability proceding from known wound; 2d No evidence of three freeholders to prove the fourth requisite of the law" 1795 VT Ebenezer Brooks "Private, Col Reed's Capt Hind's company" "Caught the small pox, while in service, which terminated in the loss of his right eye from not having proper medical attendance" "July 76, Crown Point" County of Windham 0.50 Militia "Evidence complete, as to the object, but as his present disability does not proceed from any known wound, his case does not come within reach of the laws" 1795 VT Ebenezer Wallace "Has, in a great measure, lost his sight by the smallpox and measles, with which he was afflicted while in service" Marlborough 0.50 "No legal evidence is adduced to substantiate his claim, but that of the examining physicians. Note: As the disability of the claimant does not arise from any known wound, his case is not comprehended by the laws" 1795 VT Ephraim Wilmarth "Sergeant, Col Robinson's regiment militia" "Wounded in his left shoulder, by a musket ball" 8/16/77 Bennington Shaftesbury Militia "Evidence incomplete; viz: 1st The evidence of examining physicians does not precisely ascertain the degree of disability; 2d No cause is shown why application was not made prior to Dec 11, 1788. 3d No evidence when or how he left the service" 1795 VT Ezra Bellows "Private, Col Brewer's" "Wounded in his left hand, by the accidental discharge of his gun" "76, Mount Hope" Springfield 0.13 Militia "Evidence incomplete, viz: 1st No evidence of his being wounded in the actual line of duty; 2d No evidence when he left the service" 1795 VT Gideon Walker Lieutenant "Has lost the use of his limbs, by lodging two nights on the ground, during the late war" "77, NJ" Cavendish Full Evidence incomplete. His disability not proceeding from known wounds; his case does not come within the laws 1795 VT John Wilson "Sergeant, Gen Washington's life-guard" "Wounded in his right arm, by a musket ball" "6/27/78, Monmouth" Windsor County 0.33 Discharged 12/11/78 Evidence complete 1795 VT Jonathan Houghton "Private, Col Williams's" "Wounded in his right hand by a musket ball, which has deprived him of the use of two of his fingers" "Aug 16, 77, Bennington" County of Windham Militia "Evidence complete, except that the examining physicians do not state the degree of his disability" 1795 VT Moses Sanderson "Private, Col Putnam's" "Wounded in his neck by a musket ball, while standing on sentry; which wound has deprived him of the use of his left arm" 77 Moses's Creek Rockingham 0.67 Militia Evidence complete 1795 VT Oliver Darling "Private, Col Brooks's; Capt Reed's company" "Dislocated his right hip, by a fall, as he was carrying provision to supply the company to which he belonged" 1780 Grafton 0.63 Militia "Evidence incomplete; viz: 1st: There are only two freeholders to prove the fourth requisite of the law, which requires three; 2d No evidence of when he left the service" 1795 VT Peter Rider "Corporeal, Col Greaton's" "Has lost the sight of his right eye, by a wound with a musket ball" "1776, Lake Champlain" Hartford Militia "No legal evidence is produced to substantiate his claim; that which is transmitted is taken before justices of the peace, instead of the District Judge, or three comissioners, as required by law" 1795 VT Pliny Pomeroy "Private, Col Ward's, Capt Allen's company" "Ruptured his groin, while employed in carrying provisions from Roxbury to Dorchester" "Jan or Feb 77, near Boston" Westminster 0.80 Militia Evidence complete 1795 VT Roger Stevens "Private, Col Cilley's; Capt Fairwell's comp" "Crippled by the cramp in his feet, while in service" Evidence totally incomplete; the deposition of one person only being transmitted. 1795 VT Samuel Ball "Lost his right eye by an accident, and is subject to epilectic fits, arising, as is supposed, from being overcome with heat and fatigue at the battle of Monmouth" Marlborough 0.67 "No legal evidence is adduced to substantiate his claim, but that of the examining physicians. Note: As the disability of the claimant does not arise from any known wound, his case is not comprehended by the laws" 1795 VT Samuel Eyers "Private, Col Stark's; G Reed's company" "Wounded in his left arm, by a musket ball" "June 17, 1775, Bunker's Hill" Londonderry 0.25 Militia "Evidence complete, excepting when he left the service" 1795 VT Samuel Spears "Private, Col Nichols's' Capt Runell's comp" Is subject to fits; and his senses and memory impaired; occasioned by being wounded in his head with a musket ball "8/77, Bennington" Cavendish 0.50 Militia "Evidence incomplete; viz: 1st No evidence of three freeholders to prove the fourth requisite of the law. 2d no evidence of two credible witnesses to prove the continuence of his disability, from the first two years after leaving the service" 1795 VT Thomas Torrence "Private, Col Moseley's militia" Wounded by a musket ball near his left hip "April 28, 77, Fairfield" Sandgate 0.50 Militia Evidence complete. 1795 VT William Haselton or Hazeltine "Private, Col Niichols's, Capt Carleton's comp" "His left arm considerably shortened and weakened, occasioned by a musket ball which passed through it" 8/16/77 Bennington Rockingham 0.50 Militia Evidence complete 1795 VT William Hunt "Private or corporeal, Col Warner's; Captain Woolcot's company" "Wounded by a ball, which passed through his right side" 8/16/77 Bennington Middlebury 0.50 Enlisted 1/16/77; on the rolls in 1780 Evidence complete 1795 VT William Martin "Private, corps of rangers, capt Aldrick's company" "Wounded in his right arm, by a cannon ball" "1777, Lake George" Westminster 0.67 Militia "Evidence complete, excepting when or how he left the service" 1795 VT Zimri Hill "Dragoon, 5th regiment CT lighthorse" "Wounded in his right hand by a broadsword, which has deprived him of the use of his two fore fingers and thumb" "8/79, Horse Neck" Charlotte 0.50 Militia Evidence complete