

Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 360
  • Publication
    Exploring Hydrophobic and Lipophilic Properties of Magic Sand: Implications for Oil Spill Cleanup
    (Singh Center for Nanotechnology) Unger, Gabriel; Song, Ethan; Kim, Gyuseok
    In this study, we investigate the hydrophobic and lipophilic properties of magic sand by examining the behavior of water and oil droplets on magic sand surfaces. The contact angle between water and magic sand exceeds 120 degrees, indicating hydrophobic behavior, while the contact angle between oil and magic sand is significantly less than 90 degrees, suggesting lipophilic characteristics. To establish a comparative analysis, we performed similar tests using regular sand, demonstrating hydrophilic and lipophilic properties with contact angles against water and oil of less than 90 degrees. Leveraging these divergent properties, we conducted a simulated oil spill cleanup employing magic sand, resulting in a notable reduction of oil levels in water as the magic sand readily absorbed and sank with the oil.
  • Publication
    MOOCS in Higher Education: Institutional Goals and Paths Forward
    (2015-01-01) Hollands, Fiona M; Tirthali, Devayani
    In 2011, MOOCs dominated media reports on higher education and, since then, hundreds of organizations have rushed to produce and offer these courses. Why are institutions offering MOOCs and what are they achieving as a result? This book addresses these questions based on interviews with almost one hundred educators, policy makers, and business people. Hollands and Tirthali identify six major goals for MOOC production and, using real-life examples, assess whether these goals are being achieved and, if not, how they could be accomplished going forward.
  • Publication
    Cost-Effectiveness and Educational Policy
    (2002-01-01) Levin, Henry M; McEwan, Patrick J
    This Yearbook of the American Educational Finance Association provides methodological treatments of cost-effectiveness in education as well as specific studies using the method.
  • Publication
    The Price We Pay
    (2007-01-01) Belfield, Clive R; Levin, Henry M
    This volume addresses the economic consequences of the failure to adequately educate vast numbers of students. It represents an edited version of the contributions on costs of different approaches to reducing high school dropouts and the benefits in labor markets, earnings, tax revenues, and reduced costs of public health, criminal justice, and public assistance. Empirical estimates are provided for both benefits and costs.
  • Publication
    Rhodes College
    (2013-01-01) Hyde, Erick
    In this series, you will find video assets for all video assets from the massive, open, online course, Applying to U.S. Universities. The course is taught by Erick Hyde of the University of Pennsylvania’s English Language Programs and features fully animated lectures that help international students navigate the U.S. admissions process and give them strategies to prepare their best application.